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Who is the most hated housewife?

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Friday, January 18, 2008

REALLY How old is Tamra Barney?

We all watched the episode last week when Tamra Barney celebrated her 40th birthday party. However, if you look at the public record index the Tamra Barney who lives with Simon Barney in Ladera Ranch is listed as 44. We aren't talking a 1 year difference here so how old is she REALLY? See public record below -

Tamra S Barney
Birth Date: 1964
Street ****************
City: Ladera Ranch
County: Orange
State: California
Zip Code: 92694
Phone Number: ************
Record Number: 932977726
Household Members: Name Est. Age Birth Year
Simon R Barney 44 1964
Tamra S Barney 44 1964


Anonymous said...

If Tamra Barney is really 44 year's old, and made a big deal over her b-day turning 40, then she is a PSYCHO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tamra Barney look's and acts like a hick, and Lauri Waring look's old, and like the cat women. I guess her son got her gene's with being addicted to plastic surgery. And don't get me wrong I am not against plastic surgery. But, when you look like a freak you have gone too far. These women don't realize that people toon in and watch because they are willing to make fool's of themselves.

Anonymous said...

She's really 44. And Darren wasn't an attentive father to Ryan. Both are a little self centered, but, mean well.

Anonymous said...

I want to make a poo poo in one of her 5 1/2 bathrooms! i heard they are broke, is that true? did she really pawn the rolex? or was it fake?

Anonymous said...

She isn't 44. She actually is 41. When i saw this blog, i was skeptical too, but i checked on intelius. you can find ANYONE'S age on there. That is where i found Lynne' age.. she's 52 by the way. See for yourself.
If the page doesn't load correctly, just search "Tamra Barney" california.

Anonymous said...

Lynn looks about 55 to me, she is obsessed with being young but she looks old and acts like a witch

Anonymous said...

How do you all hear about Tamara being broke and pawning her rolex

Anonymous said...

sick sick sick; Tamara had not a dime till she married the present Bozo-same for Laurie. As for Vicki, OMG-can't quite figure out if it's her face of mouth that makes me physically ill every time I see her. I watch this show so that I don't have to think as well as see how that actually do live in the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

I agree, people watch this show for a good laugh. Thanks Ladies, or should I say Thanks drag queens? Vicky you are homely and need to be on Xanax, Tamyra you look just like a witch and are a terrible person, Gretchen you have a fat flabby ass and you should be ashamed of yourself for dating that poor man who you admit you don't love, Lynn you are a terrible mother and you look leathery, Jeanna, you are the most attractive and the only one that I can stand. Laurie, you shold sue your plastic surgeon..

Anonymous said...

Don't forget their hair. Most of them have horrible hair. It's dry and split and ought to be cut. These women are too old for long hair.

Anonymous said...

I really think that Simon should leave Tamara. How can anyone serious try and get another "friend" drunk- naked drunk and then let her son-no wonder he is messed up-paw her. Tamara is so jealous, and really has no class, I think she is a truly evil woman who will do anything say anything to make others look bad. Really need a shrink love!

Anonymous said...

Vicki just makes me want to puke...can't stand to even look at her "pig" puss. I call her " Miss Piggy"....she looks like Miss Piggy from the muppets,only the muppet character has a personality.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Tamra is turning 45 in 2009! She's such a weirdo! I think she needs to stop trying to point the finger at Gretchen so much because that only makes bloggers and such want to dig up dirt on her. Low class.

Anonymous said...

Listen Tamra is my neighbor. She would do anthing for anyone! She just puts on a act for America.

Anonymous said...

Woah, we're supposed to believe that she's a really nice person who just happened to portray herself as a jealous, petty, mean, backstabbing, classless trailerpark trash-queen for the sake of the camera? Suuuuure.

Anonymous said...

Jeana is leaving???!!!! She was the only sane one in the bunch. Even though she was fuller figured than her boney stick figured co stars, she was by far the prettiest. She also had grace and class.

I may not watch the show anymore.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe jeanna has left. her and gretchen are the most down to earth one's on that show. tamara is just a jealous woman. she always makes comments about alexis's boob,figure, etc. tamara is a brat.

bacchus musings said...

All Simon has to do to justify filing for divorce from this evil, vile, money grubbing woman is watch the "Let's'get Gretchen Drunk" segment" closed..where do u find these people?

Anonymous said...

Dude tamara is good for like a quick scew. alexis is so white trash have you seen her before pics, and viki is a huge baby it makes me laugh when she cries and gets her feelings hurt they are all gold diggers besides jeanna who is so cool by the way and viki. i love watching lynn cause she so stupid that you cant help but laugh and see how these woman are so in love until the money slows down and then they want divorce. so thanks OC for making fools of yourselves. Tamara your son is a girl and i want to whip his ass so bad.

Elizabeth Rhiannon said...

Actually, Intelius reports that she is 42. Either way, doesn't matter, she'll realize how hard life really is without Simon. Also, my best friend is their neighbor in Ladera...the stories she could tell!

Jacki said...

ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE JUDGEMENTAL ASSHOLES!!! But I guess that's America for you. With all of them hypochristians :)

Anonymous said...

I can't say I love each one of these women, but they hold my attention for different reasons. After reading the vast majority of the comments on this blog, I'm left with one question: if you hate/are disgusted/can't stand them so much, WHY would you watch?? If I were to be judgmental, it would be towards the illiteracy and major grammar errors in the blog posts.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy watching the OC Housewifes.. I think they are entertaning.. The only one that seems to rub me the wrong way and is a FAKE is Peggy.. Wow if that is what post partum depression does to you than, it really is not as bad as people make it out to be.. Shame on you Peggy for making a mockary of post partum depression.. P.S. you drive an old ass Bentley looser!!!! lol lol

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Lauri from O.C. Housewives was born?

Anonymous said...

First of all Tamara has always talked bad about everyone. Remember what she said about Vicky? It was pure EVIL. That was her "bestie." Then Tamara said more evil things about Gretchen than one can count. On the show Tamara laughs at Alexis house possibly going into foreclosure ( Vicky told her) which she considers Alexis her "friend," and then puts her ear to the door where Alexis is upset & laughs about that too. Now mind you she gets up from a bomb a.. meal made by a great chef with the new love of her life to go to the door & listen to a "friend" cry?? If she's sooo happy why get up for something so caddy & immature as to listen at the door? Then she does body shot in Mexico. If Gretchen did this she would call her a whore & u know it. She got caught in a lie about kissing that chick while still married. What else has she lied about? Tamara is the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE on the show. She ALWAYS tries to bag on "friends" because she is a caddy, jealous, evil witch. She doesn't deserve Vicky's friendship & I don't love Vicky. During the intro to the housewives Tamara has a S & M looking swimsuit on then in a bathtub & says "freedom only makes me look hotter." How about more desperate because that was so cheesey. Look Tamara has proven to be ugly inside. I know gretchen isn't perfect, but she is trying to make money. Look at all the celebrities that put out stinky perfume & cheesy clothes. More than half of them shouldn't be, but the reality is they are. So what if she's doing that. It's better than sponging off a rich man. The real estate market is poor so I don't believe that Tamara can live of that. Tamara is a liar & bends stories to suit herself. She wants a partner in crime & I feel her apology to Vicky is NOT genuine. Vicky should run. She is NOT a real friend. I can't stand fake women. Women should support one another & we should call out the ones who don't (i.e. Tamara).

Anonymous said...

Tamara is ugly inside. She is a mother of 4. Great example, Tamara. Even if she wasn't happy that doesn't give her the right to trash her friends. When se said it was because of her unhappiness she said things about Vicky, it was a complete cop out. She avoids taking any responsibility. Even with Simon, she says it's all him. What planet is Tamara on?? She is not in reality but she is in denial. Can you believe she claims to be "in love" with that Latin guy? If that's what being in love looks like then people wouldn't want to be in love. Tamara is a joke. Tamara is a poor example of a mother, daughter, girlfriend/hooker, and a women. Simon is better off. I feel sorry for her kids. So glad my mother is nothing like her. Thank you God.

Anonymous said...

To the person who says why are we watching the show & judging;

I first of all would like to say I don't have grammar, spelling, punctuation, or writing errors etc. Why would anyone dedicate too much time to checking how there grammar, punctuation or spelling etc. is? This here is not serious, but some want to vent or merely escape the hostile world in which we live.

I have my reasons for watching & felt if any of these housewives read the blogs on themselves, maybe they could learn something about being a woman who supports other women. I for one feel it would be great to see them support one another. That would get the networks to stop exploiting women & negative subjects in general. If I read similar things about myself I would reflect & try to see if I needed to work on something in the area I was critiqued on. I am probably expecting too much of them & to be deep/mindful, but if they were they wouldn't be on a reality show in the first place. A person can't always relay the "perfect" message or express themselves in a constructive manor. IT'S FUNNY HOW YOU ARE "JUDGING" HOW OTHERS WRITE/RELAY A MESSAGE. So you yourself are also guilty. We all live in a world that we cannot control because ELITE Groups do control the world (wars, economy, etc.) so I feel it's nice to experience an escape from reality, but not to become to involved or addicted. I am sensitive & I am sad the world is in a state of chaos. I try to remain positive & try to bring light into everything. It is not easy being on this earth. I have hope. I have faith & I do believe. (Also I did write those two long comments above). When I was a child I always stuck up for the underdog or when a person was getting picked on I ALWAYS stepped in. I guess I see that in Tamara & I don't like bullies. I was bullied just because of my race. People can be ignorant, but doesn't mean they shouldn't be called on it.

I am not going to apologize because I am on here commenting or watching the show. Straight up have some time on my hands & felt the need- so there go judge that.

bigpussy said...

Tamara is trailer trash, looks like a washed up hag, and is a big cunt.

viki wears the strap on said...

Tamara needs to pull her dick out of her ass and stop sucking viki's cock. I can't stand these trashy bitches.

Anonymous said...

Tamra is a very nasty woman who enjoys kicking people when they are down. Beware Tamra, karma is a bitch!,coone

Anonymous said...

This was supposed to be answers about tamra's real age, not a full blown character assassination of her, just grow up all of you and get a bloody life