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Who is the most hated housewife?

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Who is your favorite housewife?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reunion Show - liar, liar, snarkity, snark OMG - - -

WOW - such blatant lies and the girls definitely had their claws out tonight! Did the rest of you think they were all looking a bit haggard tonight? All except Tamra (lose the bangs) Barney, she looked great. Vicki and Jeanna looked tired. Tammy looked a lot older and very vulnerable. You just want to give her a hug. Lauri - OMG - she is starting to look like that cat lady that has had too many procedures. Love how she now talks really slow like she is a regal b***ch with a stick up her a**.

Our favorite reunion LIES and SNARKITY SNARKS -

Lauri -
Over botoxed, stone faced Lauri said again that Ashley wrote the speech herself and worked on it for 3 weeks. Ashley did NOT write the speech. See our previous post where it shows she took a large portion of her speech from an online website.

Lauri -
Seriously says Josh is doing great as he is a waiter and bought his own Audi. Andy couldn't let that one go. So he said how. Then she says well I did help him. No shit sherlock! A waiter cannot buy an Audi. Her Faux Brady Bunch lifestyle is still running rampant.

Lauri -
Dug a deeper hole as she said Sophie will disappoint her as well. She said Ashley didn't talk to her for awhile so she thinks she was mad. Of course she doesn't mention how Josh took it. Always forgetting that one.

Lauri -
Calling George's ex-wife, Mackenzie's mother, Mexican. Most refined, wealthy people would say Hispanic or Spanish. She gets her digs in every way she can.

Bravo on Vicki -
Vicki kept saying her team in Seattle, Idaho etc. But Andy insisted she had expanded her business and opened offices there. She did not. She is an independent insurance agent with agents working under her. Seattle and Idaho are her broker's offices that they use. Blame this one on Bravo.

Jeana -
(Okay I know you all voted for her as your favorite BUT she is very bitchy and gets her digs in.)
When Andy said is anyone going to pose for Playboy and Tamra said she had received emails about it. Jeana pipes in and says umm, unless Playboy has changed their rules these ladies are all too old!! God forbid someone one up Jeana with Playboy.

Jeana -
Sales 101 says you treat your clients as they wish to be treated. If you have an anal client you don't treat them laid back like you are. Frankie, the email 'new' friend, shouldn't have been dropped on Vicki, the anal queen, without warning. Jeanna is wrong here.

Vicki -
Jeanna claiming Vicki is Hitler with her kids then Vicki says I care about where my kids are, unlike you!!

Lauri -
Asked Tamra if she had been an exotic dancer. Wow - jealous of the little hot blondie. Just like when she asked about the watch if Simon bought it in Mexico.

Vicki -
WOOHOO - "I didn't know I did it that much". Come on - she knew damn well what she does when she drinks but it was truly embarrassing so we'll see if she tones it down next season.

Tamra -
Telling Quinn she is a closet nasty girl. Priceless - love Tamra.


Lauri's wedding - was between $300K - $500K EXCEPT she forgot to talk about the items she received for free or were borrowed.

Season 4 - All the girls say they are up for a Season Four.

Vicki - Admitted her and Donn are not doing that well. Donn told her she needs to spend more time with him and she doesn't know if she can do that since her insurance brokerage is taking off. Pretty sad - seems like a lot of regrets there. At the end of the show she said she is wrong and needs to find time for Donn.

Quinn's boobage is fake. Yes the big kahungas are fake she admitted. Hmm... have to leave that one as it is.

Lauri moved Ashley out of George's and put Josh in the condo with her.

Lauri - Believes the Botox and Restlyn have taken years off of her face. She says "Who hasn't had it done>" Please - get over yourself you do not look younger you like a stone statue.

Tamra - Basically apologized for coming across like Ryan's father wasn't a part of his life. What she meant, she now says, is that they were young and didn't know what they were doing. Kudos for her to take back what she said as Ryan's dad has been quoted as being terribly disappointed by her comments.

Jo's - Album is dropping in March and she claims her Bravo pilot is still going to air.

Lauri - No honeymoon yet. She says well, the place we wanted to go to had a monsoon so we'll go somewhere soon. Then she says Season Four. So pathetic - she pushed the wedding to make sure it was videotaped. Now she will push her honeymoon to make sure it is on the next season.

Frankie - Vicki and Jeanna confirmed he emailed them saying he was a fan and wanted to fix Jeana's home so she let him fly down and live in Vicki's house. That's kinda scary.

Gay following - According to Andy they have a large gay following. hmmm... wonder why that is.

Jo - Says she has moved on from Slade and is dating. Says Slade is also dating but will always be her friend.


We only heard about a couple of the kids.

Meighan -
Has a job and her puppy is pregnant.

Josh -
Is living with Ashley at the condo.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Studio tour with Jo -

Lame as the day is long...............

Is Jo just a bit delusional?

From the LA Times -
"The Real Housewives of Orange County" will be returning for a third season, Bravo announced today. That is, all the cast members but two: Slade Smiley and Jo De La Rosa (pictured). The off-again, on-again couple are in negotiations with the network for their own spinoff project, the pair said in phone calls.

While Vicki Gunvalson, Jeana Keough, Tammy Knickerbocker, Lauri Waring and new housewife Tamra Barney will all be showing off their real-life dramas "behind the gates," Smiley and De La Rosa are focusing on her music career in Los Angeles.

"It's kind of like Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey when they were newlyweds," De La Rosa said.

Apple iTunes

Slade out and about........

hard at work we see..........

Sunday, January 27, 2008

RHOOC 1/22 Recap: Once, Twice, Three Times A He-Lady!

YardGnome's re-cap on fans of reality tv - awesome!


Welcome everyone! Are you surprised to see me here tonight? Our good friend, SueEllen, was called to perform her civic duty this week and that left me to recap this week’s wedding of the century. Now if you’re wondering what civic duty SueEllen is performing, look no further than the Celebrity Apprentice thread where she is manning the helm and taking that show home. Last week, the housewives dressed like skanks, acted like hoes, and someone turned 40. It was fun, it was sad, it made me happy that I don’t have implants and that my tattoo is not located in the “tramp stamp” region. Since you can probably all barely contain yourselves, let’s get gussied up in our finest duds and prepare ourselves for the glorious event that is going to happen tonight…or you can do like me and put on some sweat pants and drink malt liquor from a brown bag and hope that the night goes quickly.

Psycho Psychosis
To kick the show off we have Quinn getting ready for a night out with the man who clearly hates her but probably is getting some so he’s not ready to dump her just yet. Quinn wants to lighten the mood tonight so she seems to be putting on an extraordinary amount of make-up and suiting up in a dress that is not low cut. She shows up at the Casino to greet Billy with a blonde wig and the new name of Roxie. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! I seriously screamed that at my TV. Quinn is so clueless and odd that it is at the point of making me uncomfortable…combine that with the shirt she’s wearing for the interview portion and the fact that her sagging breasts are about ready to pop out of her shirt like a demon alien baby, I can barely look at the screen right now.

Come to find out that Roxie is a bit of a bitch and little on the wild side. Billy seems to enjoy this little charade proving that he is an idiot. Quinn tells us that she needs to be in a marriage so she can let this wild side out more often. I’m still scratching my head over her reasoning.

Lauri, Josh, and the doctor from Celebrity Fit Club are all gathering to make Josh feel like crap in hopes that he shapes up so he doesn’t embarrass his mother at her 1st err 2nd err 3rd wedding. Josh seems really uncomfortable in this situation and I just feel horrible for him. Who wants to be confronted about their problems in front of a television camera? Lauri tells us that Josh needs to change his ways before he can be let back into the family. This is the most horrible thing I have ever heard. When someone needs help from drug or alcohol abuse they need their family the most. He needs to be checked into a good rehab center and have support from his family in the hope that he will decide to change his ways. He is obviously seeking attention and trying to get love. This is a horrible situation and I’m not going to say anymore on it.

Tranny Prep-Work
It’s wedding day and Lauri has hired a whole slew of people to help her look more like a man than she normally does. She has brought in a whole group of make-up and hair artists to do up the whole wedding party. As they are getting ready, Lauri tries to get a hold of Josh and is having a hard time reaching him. No one knows if he is going to show and Ashley hopes that he doesn’t because she doesn’t want to watch her brother when she could be getting drunk and acting like a fool.

Lauri and George sit and go over last minute details with the wedding planner. They want to make sure that everything is in place and this is the most wonderful moments of their lives. I really hope my third wedding is as wondrous as this event. I hope my first and second are pretty good too but not as good as the third one. That’s the one that counts! Ashley is working on her speech that she is going to give and I really hope the Bravo producers added pictures to her note cards so she can read it smoothly.

Lauri mentions that she has not let her dress out of the bag and that it might be wrinkled. She mentions that she’s not a professional bride and doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do. Umm, three marriages makes you more than a novice. Lauri heads upstairs to let the dress out and George heads over to meet up with his boys and get ready for the wedding. Lauri’s sister, Linda has joined the party and is going to be the matron of honor for the event. Linda seems disgusted with the happenings or maybe she seems disturbed that her sister looks more like a brother now.

Quinn and Billy are still in Vegas, probably mourning the fact they don’t get to attend the wedding of the century. Quinn keeps blabbering on about whether she should stay with Billy or let him go. Hello, he’s just not that into you! She keeps telling him what she wants, he clearly isn’t any of them, yet she just won’t let him go. She should crash the wedding, pick up some loser at the wedding, and call it a day. I have solved her problem for her and she gets more air time so it’s wins all around.

By the Power of Grey-Skull…She-Man!
It’s time for Lauri to get dressed and I can’t wait to see if she looks at all like a female in the dress. Lauri slips into her dress, crams her giant feet into small shoes, and is ready for the big event. It’s time for the fairy-tale to happen and time for me to go to the bathroom and barf. I don’t really care for Lauri’s dress, it has a really low waist and that is just not appealing to me. All the ladies show up and the outside is beautiful for the event. Flowers and crystals are hanging all over. Josh made it to the wedding and things should get interesting.

The bridesmaids come down the aisle and I really like the green color of their dresses. Lauri comes down the aisle and that make-up artist deserves the award of the year. He has managed to make her resemble a woman and actually look nice. The event is quite extravagant and outrageous and most people would never do this for a third wedding. As they are standing at the front I start to giggle because George totally has a mullet. How is this happening, mullets are not part of fairytales. They say their vows, they kiss, and I gauge my eyes out.

Its reception time and we get a nice montage of the wedding photos. We also get lots of extra shots of Lauri and George kissing and I just want to fast forward but I will tough it out for you, the readers. The dining tent is beautiful and they did a good job making it look very elegant. It’s time for Ashley to be in the spotlight. She gets up to give her toast and first thanks her mother for asking her to be her maid of honor. I thought it was the other way around. Ashley’s toast is actually very nice and that for sure guarantees some lackey at Bravo was commissioned to write it for her. The reception goes on and it’s nothing like any fairytale I have ever seen or heard.

The Final Hoorah…Thankfully Minus the Singing
Jeana is having a cocktail party for her friends and family. Everyone shows up and it looks like she has a fresh sushi bar for the guests to enjoy. I wonder how I get invited to Jeana’s parties, I do love sushi. Cocktails are flowing and Vicki tells us her favorite cocktail is a bleu cheese stuffed olive dirty martini. I always thought it was Man Juice, I have been misled. Vicki gets to drinking and talking with Quinn and Quinn tells the gals that she broke up with Billy. WHAT? She seriously finally got a clue and ditched that loser like a bad habit?

Vicki gets another drink and talks with Lauri about her new life. Tamra finally shows up and we know that things are going to get wild now. Lauri and George show off their wedding rings and George’s seriously looks like something you get when you win the super bowl. How can he stand to wear that around all the time? I would be afraid someone would jump me and steal that thing, allowing them to pay off their mortgage, send their kids to school, and buy a barrel of man juice.

Donn finally makes an appearance reliving my worries that he was tied up in their home and being tortured by tapes of Vicki screeching “We’re going to Mexico.” Vicki tells the ladies she’s going to Paris and Jeana and Quinn both jump on that and say they will take care of Donn in her absence. Donn is probably so happy because he will actually be able to remove the ear plugs from his ears and not wear his padded vest.

Finally, the most anticipated moment of the show, Jo rolls up to the party. She looks the same and seems a little less annoying. Everyone asks her what she is doing and she tells them she’s finishing her album and getting ready to tour. Most of them seem shocked, it’s like they had no idea she was even pursuing a music career. Most of them must have missed that episode last season with her wretched singing that we had to suffer through.

As the party is winding down, Vicki is three sheets to the wind, and she and Tamra start groping each other. Exciting to 15 year old boys but disgusting to everyone else around. Tammy shows up to the party with her family and Vicki immediately gets to groping and mildly abusing them. Jo starts talking more about her career and Brianna wonders if she is opening for the opener of the opener at the show. Donn muses that maybe she’s just parking cars. I knew I always like these two.

Where Are They Now?
Lauri and George are married and Lauri has discovered one flaw in her husband…he has a serious mullet snores. Ashley hasn’t taken the Real Estate exam yet but is working with George. McKenzie is attending Community College and still has her tattoo. Does anyone even care about these two? Josh has a job as a waiter and is attending community college where I am sure he is disappointing his mother daily.

Tamra is going to take life more seriously now that she’s 40. Wait, when did she turn 40? After her surgery, she is still claiming to be the hottest housewife in the OC. Ryan is still working at Simon’s place of business but has moved out and is living with his grandmother. Still a winner in my book.

Vicki is ready to make a big impact in her insurance career and she and Donn have had a tough year. She evicted Frankie and now a nice elderly couple is living in her house. This is probably good because they are probably hard of hearing and whenever she comes over and screeches at them it’s probably like normal voices to them. Briana and Colby went to Washington and Michael is hoping to get his insurance license.

Over at Jeana’s, at lot has happened this past year to her and she’s looking forward to moving on. The real estate score between Jeana and Tamra for 2008 is: 3 to 0, Jeana. Kara is at Berkley and has a new boyfriend that is a baseball player. Colton is still being bratty and Jeana is giving him a bus pass instead of a car because of it. She rules! Shane got traded and is now playing for a County team in Illinois. I don’t know anything about baseball but it seems like he’s at the bottom of the barrel.

Quinn is still looking for a husband and being more desperate than ever. She is not with Billy and she and Jared are just friends. Roxie is still out there so men beware!

Tammy is just growing and has moved back into her home in Coto. Megan is still into tattoos and working at a termite company. Lindsey is still with the OC Energy drink girls and has decided to go into fashion design.

The Claws Come Out
Next week is reunion night with the RHOOC. Make sure to tune in and watch the bitching begin.

If you are as disturbed as I am that Ryan tried to kiss his mother on the mouth, send me a PM. We can discuss in detail the Oedipus syndrome and then gouge our eyes out.

Apple iTunes

Tammy's Upbringing

From -

(Now we can see why she ended up with Lou (who was in his 40's) when she was 18/19.)

I thought that I would back it up a bit so that you could get a better understanding of my thought process and where or why this story is leading…
I was born in East LA at the White Memorial Hospital and spent most of my early childhood there.
My mother is Spanish/Mexican (debatable) and my father is German. I grew up in a religious environment (Catholic). My mom worked full time as a waitress in a club that had “Taxi Dancers” to support us. Taxi Dancers are a thing of the past (I think)- girls that get paid just to dance with guys. My dad was rarely around. My sister has a different father who would always come to pick her up for the weekends; I remember feeling rejected as a child that my dad did not come to get me. We stayed at my Grandma’s house most weekends (in LA on Druid Street).
I remember living in a small cute house in Canoga Park for a while. My mom being a single mother with three kids had to work all the time to take care of us.
Sadie, our babysitter, lived next door. She basically raised us. There were so many great memories growing up. It’s weird how when you’re young you really don’t understand the stress or money issues – just live the moment.
There are so many fun memories with Sadie, like sleeping in sleeping bags on her floor and waking up to her spraying Lysol on us every morning because my sister would pee in her sleeping bag. She taught us how to roller-skate and Christmas she would wrap three store bought balls under the tree. It’s weird how that smell stays with you and never goes away. We cared very much for her, but lost touch with her many years ago.
Eventually we moved into an apartment in Sherman Oaks. We were really bad kids then!! My mom worked nights, my sister watched us and we were out of control. One time my mom came home and saw dog prints on the wall. When she asked what happened, we answered and said, “I don’t know, we didn’t do it”. She was puzzled. But the answer is that we did know. We would shine a flashlight on the wall and the dog would go nuts running up the wall for hours. Another time we had a water fight with the workers at the gas station. We brought the hose through the window and soaked them. They were so mad, but it was fun. We loved to play volleyball in the apartment (which was very small). We’d move all the furniture and put up a net inside the house. We’d break things and call my mom at work to tell her so that when she got home the punishment wouldn’t be so bad.
The big earthquake in the 70’s hit, we were terrified and screaming. It was so scary. My brother and I had bunk beds and we got trapped in our room. The stairs outside fell down and we had to get help to get out, it was a mess. Luckily we only lived there for 9 months. We were very poor at the time. I remember my mom being embarrassed to use our food stamps. It didn’t bother me but I know she cared. She worked very hard and tried to provide for us and I love her for that. We used to get hand me downs from my older cousin all the time.
We moved a lot while I was young. Our place in Sherman Oaks had glass entry doors, but they were so heavy that I couldn’t open them. So I’d have to sit on the steps until someone came to open the doors. I think about that now, how scary it would be for me to leave my child outside like that, I guess times are just different now.
My mom had a home mate and one night I woke up to people yelling, this lady took all of my mom’s furniture and pictures out in the middle of the night. My mom was devastated, the little we had was now gone. Our family helped out, but it was a sad time for my mom.
My mom eventually got married and we moved into a house in Canoga Park. It was so cute complete with a well in the front yard and a play house in the back. We were happy, in the beginning. The problem was that my mom worked every night and her husband didn’t, so he was a build in babysitter. They eventually divorced and we moved again.
Meet our Canoga Park house on Soup Avenue. Sparkling pool and another marriage for my mom, again! I started 5th grade with lots of friends. Shopping at Topanga Mall and going ice skating occupied my days. My mom was happy watching me ice skate and I was happy for my mom that she finally met someone; she didn’t have to work 24/7. But as we all have heard, good things always comes to an end- and she divorced, again.
Then came my life in the OC. We moved to Garden Grove and I went to school at Bell Junior High, then Pacifica High School. I loved it. Orange County was so different from the Valley. The boys were cuter; they dressed nicer and seemed smarter.
My brother played baseball and now enters husband number….5. They are still together and make a great couple. It’s been over 20 years and I believe they are soul mates. He had 2 boys and my mom had us 3 and it was hard to combine families.
My mom was very strict with me. Forbidden to talk to boys or date. Well, at 15 I had a boyfriend (and he was 19). He was cute, fun and loved me a lot. We dated for 2 years. Then I went for the opposite of him and dated a crazy guy who my parents hated. They wanted me away from him and tried everything they cold think of to keep me away from him.