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Who is the most hated housewife?

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The George and Lauri fairytale continues to fall apart...........

Ran across this on Wikipedia and it has really swayed me as to the character of Lauri Waring/Peterson.

"Josh doesn't appear in the credits as part of Waring's family and Waring has alluded that she doesn't see him anymore."

Doesn't she understand that her children are hers for life? In the first season we get the impression that she is practicing tough love by not defending her son with his school/drug issues and he spends time in juvie. Season 2 we see her 300% into her relationship with George and occasionally wishing Josh could be there. But it was made clear that she was jumping on the George bandwagon and wasn't going to let go. She traveled extensively with him without any children present. Season three brings us the sweet, kind, (FAKE) Lauri who wants the best for Josh but then talks about how Sophia is her own child who is a good kid. Her feelings were hurt when she kicked Josh out on the streets he moved in with George Peterson's ex-wife Gina. hmmm....... maybe he found someone to emotionally support him since his mother never did, someone who actually spent time concerned for others instead of concerned about the ring on her finger, next trip, car etc..

She has said he is out of control and she only wants the best for him. Any 12 step program will tell you that you only include the addict when they are following their program but you always wish them well, set boundaries etc. No where does it say you pretend your child doesn't exist. The fact that she took Josh out of the credits as part of her family is sickening, IMHO.

Like or dislike the choices your children have made they are still YOUR children. Interesting enough she kisses his a** to get him to attend her wedding but you never see her talking to him about anything else. Please, please attend so I look like we are all together at my wedding. Seriously, this woman has a long way to go before she could ever be considered a good mother.

Nobody is saying Josh is an angel. His myspace page pretty much confirms that. However, he is Lauri's child and her pretend "Brady Bunch" life is just that PRETEND. George's girls told the court they don't want to live with him and she doesn't even claim all her kids. Integrity and character are values these two are seriously lacking.


Anonymous said...

I have know Lauri-Waring-Peterson for many years. She has not changed in all the years I have known her. She has always been her number one fan and her kids have been the last thing on her mind.

Lauri is married to her counter-part, George Peterson. The two are emploding and their ridiculous story line is melting faster than a snowball in hell.

Their real life story is even worse than what is being reported. George has filed over 300 motions against his children's mother and Lauri has filed even more, always looking for more money from her X.

Now that they are off the show they are both livid b/c it wasn't Lauri who made the decision to leave but George, and possibly given the boot by Bravo.

George couldn't take the truth about him made available for all to see and the way he treats people...even his own kids. He left the show to hide his face in total humiliation. Now he and Lauri can live their Fairy Tale life now Lauri's son is in prison, Ashlee is on her own, and George's two oldest kids are gone!

Neither Lauri or George should have ever had kids. They are too egotistical and party people who leave their minor kids home alone ALL the time.

I am so glad they are off the show.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! how money can change some people. so sad that they even dont seem to care about their own kids and seem to care more about money and fame. We all could see that lauri is money hungry b*** who cares more about her fake tan,fake hair,boobs and lips etc hope she gets what she deserves. Ending up under the bridge would be the best fit for these type of women but knowing those hos, they will find another rich dumb ass waiting at the next corner to take care of their laze ass!!

Anonymous said...

Wow could you be the unstable ex wife or maybe a friend looking to spread false crap? Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Unknown said...

Now Josh is fighting a murder charge and she's still not involved with him. She's such a classless fame hungry ho.