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Who is the most hated housewife?

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Who is your favorite housewife?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kara - new boyfriend - - -hot - hot

From Bravo -

(One of the RHOC kids we really like)

As for my new boyfriend, I had known him for awhile, while dating the last "one." He's a little older than me, but I think it works out better that way; I've been told I'm wise beyond my years anyway. He is a junior at UCLA and he recently turned 20, I just had my 19th birthday... So it's not that extreme. I was always pretty attracted to him but I obviously wasn't looking for a new boyfriend. THEN, I got my booty dumped and six months later, and here I am with a new beau.

He's pretty good for me- he taught me to how to cook! I feel like such a big girl, cooking with my boyfriend! I'm so domesticated ;)

Apple iTunes

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