(This was the last Q in a Q and A interview that ran on 2/1 in the OC Register)
Q: Some of the bloggers say some pretty bad things about you. What do you think of them and their comments?
A: Most comments have been positive and enjoyable, but in regards to the few negative bloggers, I have come to learn that insecure and miserable people full of hate say hurtful and hateful things.
The majority of the negative comments about George and me came from people that were once in our lives. These people launched a horrendous attack on us with the sole purpose of spreading hatred and harming our relationship with their vicious and slanderous lies. These people hide behind multiple Internet personas from the safety of their keyboards. Anonymity is important and key, because often their actions are criminal.
Fortunately for us, the cyber-stalking laws are finally catching up with the technology of the Internet, and the FBI recognizes these types of crimes and is taking them very seriously. I often wonder how miserable, lonely, unhappy and dissatisfied these type of bloggers must be with their lives if cowardly attacking someone by hiding behind anonymity is what they choose to do with their time. It is a very immature, child-like behavior and reminds me of junior high!
I am happy and living a very full and wonderful life, so it is impossible for me to relate
Where do we start? Lauri may need to use George's attorneys for a legal 101 education session. There is no slander when you are on film saying the things you say, your children's writings on their own myspace pages and the easy to find Orange County public records. The fact that real mothers cannot believe how selfish you are is a direct result of your own actions. The fact that you are so enamored with your 15 minutes of fame instead of parenting your troubled children is your problem. You chose to parade your brood on national TV and claim to be something you aren't. There is no slander here or cyber stalking. You are simply trying to persuade us all that you live a Brady Bunch life which is so obviously not even close to your life. The kids on the Brady Bunch actually live with their parents. You have relegated Josh and Ashley to the condo and now McKenzie's myspace page says she is there as well. So your own actions speak loud and clear as to the parent you are. Look in the mirror if you aren't happy with what is being written about you.
Love your blog! Now on to the subject of Lauri - when the show started (in early season 1) I actually felt sorry for her situation - divorced mother, husband dumped on her, scrambled to make ends meet....BUT as time went on and she began to show us her agenda - trips to the playboy mansion, etc - she kind of made you go what? The one thing about reality TV shows - warts and all will eventually come out. And the longer you are on if you really think you are fooling anyone - forget it - we are seeing the REAL Lauri. It is only a matter of time before ALL her kids are out of the house (what a shame and so selfish).
I personally know the former Mrs. Peterson and her family and Lauri and George both have used the Bravo platform to slander both of their former spouses at every opportunity.
Lauri made a huge mistake airing her sons problems, and on a ridiculous reality show, at that! She sold her son and her own soul for a few dollars and an opportunity. What mother would do THAT to her child?
Obviously, and according to Bravo, one and a half million people have now been made aware of her sons struggles which should have never been aired on national television. Ever! There are no excuses for her actions.
Sorry, Lauri, but you can't dig yourself out of the enormous hole you dug for yourself. Both you and George are embarrasing yourself when you try to put blame on someone who truly only wanted to help a 17 year old boy who had nowhere else to go in the middle of the night.
Rembember, dear, you were too busy with your own life to care about your kids and you have the audacity to slander someone who actually truly cared about whether or not your child, any child for that matter, had a place to stay. That is the true former Mrs. Peterson I know. It didn't matter who the child was, she simply saw a young kid in need and her natural instinct was to meet a need for someone who needed help.
I am sorry to see you feel it is necessary to twist this story in an attempt to save face with your fans. It is too late, dear.
Bravo’s celebrated series about real women, living fabulous real lives, is headed back to the OC! The hit docu-soap TV series gives viewers an inside look at Southern California’s most glamorous Housewives. Bravo is looking for fabulous women and their families to be featured in the next season of the series.
We are looking for outgoing, exciting, strong, focused women who reside in South Orange County and want to share their lives with us.
We are looking for women who are “Housewives” in the present-day sense. They should be lively and energetic, with defined opinions and views. The women will have busy lives, involvement with the community, strong work ethic, an active social calendar and an enjoyment of the good life.
We love women who are self-confident and happy with who they are.
The women, their significant others and families must be open to sharing their experiences with the producers and the television audience.
Please email your: name, age, a bit about you, where you live, current photos and a contact phone number to:
Tamra is as shalow as an empty pool, seems like Humility is knocking at your door.
Vicki has the face of a rat and is swimming in the same pool as Tamra
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