WOW - such blatant lies and the girls definitely had their claws out tonight! Did the rest of you think they were all looking a bit haggard tonight? All except Tamra (lose the bangs) Barney, she looked great. Vicki and Jeanna looked tired. Tammy looked a lot older and very vulnerable. You just want to give her a hug. Lauri - OMG - she is starting to look like that cat lady that has had too many procedures. Love how she now talks really slow like she is a regal b***ch with a stick up her a**.
Our favorite reunion LIES and SNARKITY SNARKS -
Lauri -
Over botoxed, stone faced Lauri said again that Ashley wrote the speech herself and worked on it for 3 weeks. Ashley did NOT write the speech. See our previous post where it shows she took a large portion of her speech from an online website.
Lauri -
Seriously says Josh is doing great as he is a waiter and bought his own Audi. Andy couldn't let that one go. So he said how. Then she says well I did help him. No shit sherlock! A waiter cannot buy an Audi. Her Faux Brady Bunch lifestyle is still running rampant.
Lauri -
Dug a deeper hole as she said Sophie will disappoint her as well. She said Ashley didn't talk to her for awhile so she thinks she was mad. Of course she doesn't mention how Josh took it. Always forgetting that one.
Lauri -
Calling George's ex-wife, Mackenzie's mother, Mexican. Most refined, wealthy people would say Hispanic or Spanish. She gets her digs in every way she can.
Bravo on Vicki -
Vicki kept saying her team in Seattle, Idaho etc. But Andy insisted she had expanded her business and opened offices there. She did not. She is an independent insurance agent with agents working under her. Seattle and Idaho are her broker's offices that they use. Blame this one on Bravo.
Jeana -
(Okay I know you all voted for her as your favorite BUT she is very bitchy and gets her digs in.)
When Andy said is anyone going to pose for Playboy and Tamra said she had received emails about it. Jeana pipes in and says umm, unless Playboy has changed their rules these ladies are all too old!! God forbid someone one up Jeana with Playboy.
Jeana -
Sales 101 says you treat your clients as they wish to be treated. If you have an anal client you don't treat them laid back like you are. Frankie, the email 'new' friend, shouldn't have been dropped on Vicki, the anal queen, without warning. Jeanna is wrong here.
Vicki -
Jeanna claiming Vicki is Hitler with her kids then Vicki says I care about where my kids are, unlike you!!
Lauri -
Asked Tamra if she had been an exotic dancer. Wow - jealous of the little hot blondie. Just like when she asked about the watch if Simon bought it in Mexico.
Vicki -
WOOHOO - "I didn't know I did it that much". Come on - she knew damn well what she does when she drinks but it was truly embarrassing so we'll see if she tones it down next season.
Tamra -
Telling Quinn she is a closet nasty girl. Priceless - love Tamra.
Lauri's wedding - was between $300K - $500K EXCEPT she forgot to talk about the items she received for free or were borrowed.
Season 4 - All the girls say they are up for a Season Four.
Vicki - Admitted her and Donn are not doing that well. Donn told her she needs to spend more time with him and she doesn't know if she can do that since her insurance brokerage is taking off. Pretty sad - seems like a lot of regrets there. At the end of the show she said she is wrong and needs to find time for Donn.
Quinn's boobage is fake. Yes the big kahungas are fake she admitted. Hmm... have to leave that one as it is.
Lauri moved Ashley out of George's and put Josh in the condo with her.
Lauri - Believes the Botox and Restlyn have taken years off of her face. She says "Who hasn't had it done>" Please - get over yourself you do not look younger you like a stone statue.
Tamra - Basically apologized for coming across like Ryan's father wasn't a part of his life. What she meant, she now says, is that they were young and didn't know what they were doing. Kudos for her to take back what she said as Ryan's dad has been quoted as being terribly disappointed by her comments.
Jo's - Album is dropping in March and she claims her Bravo pilot is still going to air.
Lauri - No honeymoon yet. She says well, the place we wanted to go to had a monsoon so we'll go somewhere soon. Then she says Season Four. So pathetic - she pushed the wedding to make sure it was videotaped. Now she will push her honeymoon to make sure it is on the next season.
Frankie - Vicki and Jeanna confirmed he emailed them saying he was a fan and wanted to fix Jeana's home so she let him fly down and live in Vicki's house. That's kinda scary.
Gay following - According to Andy they have a large gay following. hmmm... wonder why that is.
Jo - Says she has moved on from Slade and is dating. Says Slade is also dating but will always be her friend.
We only heard about a couple of the kids.
Meighan -
Has a job and her puppy is pregnant.
Josh -
Is living with Ashley at the condo.
Here's something else to add to Lauri's comment that her stepdaughter is interracial (because her mother was mexican and dad is caucasian)..
Unless they have recently moved the Caucus moutains, Mexican's are caucasian. The woman is a genius..
Jeana, is no longer nice.. or liked.. she has a permanent frown, she makes rude facial expressions regarding anyone who is talking, she is just soo happy it comes out of her pores. SHe is so rude. and really really should be put in her place. Vicki is now my fav. she is truthful and sensitive.. Tamra is HITIOUS.. nice fake hair. Lauri use to look good at the begining of the season but has gotten something else done.. look at before and after shots of her.. now she looks like a man in drag. Tammy is a bobble head, she has no opinon of her own and is a follower and the worse dresser of them all.. WHAT THE hell was she wearing last night. Quinn although wierd she is the nicest..
So, these real housewives claim they're not offensive, but I hate how Kara described herself as "having a race change" and impersonated a "black girl" by snapping her fingers, bobbing her head, and saying "HEYYYYYY" simply because she got JET BLACK (not brown) paint on her feet. First of all, no black girl spills White Out on her fingers and impersonates Kara, so why don't you folks give it a rest with the insensitive racial jokes!!!!!
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