From BravoTV - Jeanna seems so down to earth. But she seriously cannot be too upset with Kara as she is going to Berkeley. I'm just saying.......she could be protesting with dirty unkempt hair or stopped shaving - nose ring not so bad...
Lauri’s wedding was magical. She looked stunning, like the princess she is! From the moment we arrived it was like being in a fabulous hotel -- there were the most amazing flowers everywhere. There were dangling votives from the trees with crystals that made the trees look like chandeliers. The pool was transformed into a dance floor covered with vines. The bridal party of their children was so touching. I was glad Kara hadn’t come because that would have been her expectation for a wedding! The St. Regis did the food and it was five-star all the way. The cake was the centerpiece of the room -- it was beautiful. The tent should have been left up for months it was so unreal. Playboy always had the best tents, and this beat that. All white, romantic, whimsical -- you name it, they did it. All of us were so happy to share their magical day.
Donn loves to hang at home and regroup after a long day talking to people, but we never did get to go to dinner. I think he loves his alone time. I know my husband always did.
It was great seeing Jo for the reunion. She looked adorable. Slade keeps me up to date with Jo info and sightings, so I knew almost everything she was up too. She is excited about the album and it sounded great. The production was awesome, and I think she has some hits in there!
Miss Kara did pierce her nose and I was angry the whole drive up. No more extra money for her until it is out. I called her and asked her if she was getting tattoos on her off day and she hung up -- no sense of humor. I am beyond angry at the nose, two inches away her ears are pierced -- why not wear earrings? Her beautiful face with an ugly scar when she comes to her senses.
As for my favorite moments ... The wedding of course is my favorite -- all of us together and in such a great setting. My next favorite -- and I still cry thinking about it -- was Tammy's bikini wax. I loved our time with Shane in Canada -- those moments touch my heart. Kara, Blair, Colton, and the gang in Mexico was so fun and relaxing. By the way, Colton being left alone in OC when I left town wasn’t really accurate. He had his Aunt Raeni watching him and Lupe. I didn’t tell him I was leaving because he would have thrown a huge party. This way he didn’t have too much time to plan one. We ended the season traveling to New York with Simon, Tamara, Tammy, Vicki, Donn, Kara, and George and Lauri, and it was a blast. We all went for the Project Runway premiere and it was so fun, meeting all the Top Chef and PR people. Getting to spend time with Bravo people like Andy Cohen was fun. It was great meeting all the people who do the behind-the-scenes postings, blogs, ads, and PR for the show.
Kara is settling in nicely in Berkeley. Frankie and Richard have taken her out and all her old friends are back from Christmas. One of Shane's best friends, Pat, is an amazing soccer player and he will keep a close eye on her. Her suite mates are all really nice and she is very excited to start her first day of school. She has walked miles to and from school and joined a gym to keep from getting the cursed "Freshman 15." Her first trip home is Feb. 2nd for the weekend and after that we will see. She wants to play volleyball and take a dance class to keep her busy. I am excited for her new adventure and will even be more so when she loses the nose stone.
1 comment:
KC is a joke. She was caught in her ex-bf house giving a BJ to JW. She stole over $250K from Ex-bf who did not go back to his ex wife. That's was KC saying she visited them. She lost the house because it was his and she defrauded the bank to get the cash out. Ya, he is around, one of my BF so I know these are the facts. I never met JW but have heard what a pc of Sh!t he is. There are both pcs. of SH!T
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