From Reality TV
Wow - Because he was on the show with Quinn he is now a celebrity?
If you think you can handle a hot combo, don’t let Jared West get away. He said he’s a chief executive, celebrity and “bad boy.”
With guest appearances on this season’s “Real OC Housewives” and more to come next season, West does qualify as a celebrity. Not to mention the fact that he received the top bid — $1,000 — the auction’s first year.
“I sure hope I’ll go for much more this year,” West said. As an added bonus, he wants women to know he’s open to the “love connection.”
Each hunky bachelor purchase comes complete with a date package. Blue Water Grill has donated $50 gift certificates for dinner, and each woman will receive a goody bag with special pre-date perks — a makeup session at Planet Beauty, tanning cocktail at Sunset Tan, and mini bottles of Tommy Bahama Ultra Premium Rum.
Couples are encouraged to plan their own dates, but they won’t have to worry about transportation (that's a good thing - see below). The car service company “Your Car, Our Driver” will provide a “chauffeur” for two hours of driving time the day of the date.Guess who is an emcee?? Real Housewives” alum Ashley Zarlin and model
From RealityBites
Jared R. West - Well according to the Orange County Court records, Mr. West has had quite a few traffic citations - including requisite (at least for this show) driving under a suspended license that he got in conjunction with a DUI - where he also refused to take the drug test. Also Mr. West does not seem to like to pay his bills has he has had two court verdicts against him from Discover Bank and Chase bank for not paying his bills. Quinn really knows how to pick them - and gee he's only 27.
1 – 200 of 925 Newer› Newest»As someone who knows Jared on levels other than what some director decided to portray, I feel it should be said that he has a better heart and a better sense of self/what he wants in life than ANYone else I know who's our age. As for mistakes in his past - we've all made them. If not the same, then some which would equate those. Some of us just didn't get caught, which makes us lucky, not superior. And having made those mistakes has given Jared more wisdom and clarity than most people will ever have in their lifetimes. Anyone who has ever really met him has been bettered by the encounter - however brief or in-depth. He has a brilliant mind and an infectious passion for everything he does and everyone he loves. And I am honored to call him a friend.
This girl above is a goddamn retard! Jared a good person?!? HA!!! That about the funniest thing I have ever heard and about the biggest JOKE. Jared West is a JOKE! He is a liar, a drunk, a drug addict, a thief, a cheater, and he has multiple STD's! He's just basically the most disgusting, low-life person you could ever come across. Oh sure, he TRIES to be charming but when the bullshit wears off his true colors are revealed by anyone who has a half a brain.
Oh, and another thing: some of us just don't get caught?!? True, very true but when you get caught for the same things time and time over again what the fuck is the excuse for that. Grow up bitch! And open your naive little eyes! Cheers! :)
I too know Jared, and i agree with the sentiments that came from Courtney. He is a passionate person who exudes honesty, spirituality and generosity.
The "anonymous" person above? Her name is Kelley Cahill, age 43, resident of Costa Mesa, recent bankruptcy, home foreclosure, and generally a very unhappy person. Kelley Cahill cannot find comfort and happiness with any man she's dated, nor can she find peace of mind within herself (which is why she takes multiple anti-depression and anxiety medications). In fact, in 2007, she was admitted to Hoag Hospital after attempting to commit suicide over the fact that Jared left her to start a new, sober lifestyle.
She's an obsessive ex-girlfriend of his. I know this because she had to have a restraining order issued against her to keep her away, it's public record.
She has every reason in the world to spit lies and hateful garbage. I know Jared to be a forthright businessman, a loyal friend, and a clean living individual. I just hope that one day, Kelley Cahill can let go of her anger and move on with someone her own age.
What horrible lies to write! Kelley, you should be ashamed of yourself.
It sounds like Jared is writing his own comments.
First of allThis is Kelley cahill, Jared i am sure or one of his lovely O c houswives was trying to be me. Anyway all I have to say is anyone who wants the real truth about my life w jared call me @ 800 697-7249 other than that google Jared randall west and the rest is public record. There never was a restraing order on me and as far as Quinn or (Pam her real name) she was not asked to return to the show..enough said. The rest of you get a life, seriously. There are bigger issues in this world than Jard west and the o c housewives, although they both think they larger than life...
Talk about growing up!!
Jared is nothing like Kelley says. She is just a jealous person! You would think that most women her age would be settled down and not chasing after men half her age, or married ones for that matter! No amount of surgery will turn you into a twenty-something year old!
It isnt any wonder all the men in Kelley Cahill's life end up running for the hills as soon as her true colors are exposed. She is so self-absorbed!
Is Jared West really married?
I'd like to know who said that Jared is a JOKE. That he's a liar,
drunk, drug addict, a thief, a cheater and has multiple STD's. I'm getting to know him, but if this is true, I don't want to know him.
Open your eye's girlie...he's all those things..dump him fast!!!!
That guy never tells the truth about anything!!! Its amazing he has any friends. He has been dating my friend also. Your not the only one getting to know him!
JOKE is an understatement!!
How do you know him? He seems like such a sweet guy!! Total gentleman, funny, smart, nice, respectful, everything!! If your friend is also dating him, where is he right now, when did he leave, and when is he coming back? That will tell me how well you actually know him. Because I know exactly where he is, when he left, and when he's coming home.
If he's so bad, why don't you warn your "friend" about him and how horrible he is? If my friend was dating someone SOOO bad, you better believe I'd be stepping in. It's hard for me to believe any of this. He seems absolutely wonderful. Ex girlfriends are evil.
He is in Florida at a trade show. He will be back tues. He left wed.
What else do you want to know?
"Ex girlfriends are evil" did that come from him... always the hustler! He left for Orlando, Florida Tuesday am and says he will be back Tuesday pm...obvioulsy he's playing all of us..probably home already seeing girl # four? Who playing taxi service for him this time?
Wow, how many of us are there? He's really good.
Not "good" enough obviously. He's only second string for me anyway.
Jared isn't married. Just some of the men Kelley Cahill went after.
Jared married. Thats an even bigger joke. Who would ever marry him!
I don't personally know Jared, but he made a BIG mistake by being such a jerk to Lainey. She is probably the sweetest, most genuine person I've ever known.
Jared is a jerk. Everyone knows it. Thats why he moved out of town. I'll bet he cons all of his business associates the same way he cons all of his women. Lies about everything. Just a very mean person!
I would like to know who else talked to him this morning?
At least one of us did. He's a player and a liar.
Exactly what I think also!
Okay Jared, since I know that you're looking at this and you gave me your permission, here goes.
Ok ladies and potential business customers, I just got a text from Jared saying these exact words,
"I'm married and I have 2 kids, I have a second family in Moscow, Russia, I have a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas, a stripper in New York (classy), an orthodontist in Mexico City and a school teacher in Puerto Rico. Go write that shit on a blog now little girl." I wrote him back telling him that I didn't believe any of that, then he wrote back and said, "The truth is, I'm gay." So, he's a player, a liar, a con man, everything that those other women said. I thought he was so perfect too. Good thing I found out what an ass hole he truly is early on!! Good luck with that one girls. Sorry Jared, you gave me your permission, so I did it. You hurt me, I hurt you. Oh and another thing, how does 1 person manage to get 8 DUI's? You're so young??
Yes. Sounds just like him. Big time ass hole. Lucky you got out now!
It's just sad because he seemed so perfect. I believed everything he told me. What a sap!! He told me all of this stuff is crap, it's from a crazy ex-girlfriend. But it's obvious that he was dating more than just me!! I don't believe he was with his family on New Years either. I think that he really is a jerk and that he was hiding stuff from me. I guess better now than 2 yrs down the road.
Don't buy into his B.S. He's the master of manipulation. Do you REALLY think he was with his "family" on New Years??? Do you really think you're the only one?? Come on....he's a crazy maker!
I know who he was with on New Years. He's lying to her also. Really hurt her!
What an ass hole!! He wasn't with his family huh? I asked him if he had plans for New Years and he told me that he was making them, and he was going to be with his family...I never believed him in the first place, but I went with it. How many girls is he dating anyways? That's why it's so easy for him to be mad at me.
I'm trying to make myself feel better about this whole situation. He really hurt me and I cried for 2 days straight. My friends are all trying to make me feel better. He doesn't like football. What kind of guy doesn't like football?
Yup! There is always another girl around the corner. And everybody is crazy when he gets busted! Evidently thats is M.O. Get mad then your the bad one for upsetting him.
A Bisexual guy!
Gets busted for what? He's so convincing. When I asked him about dating other girls, he told me that he didn't have time for that. I trusted him!! He hates me now for finding out a bunch of crap on him.
Unfortunately, I still like him. I need to stop. I wish I could hate him like he hates me. He told me this may hurt his business. I doubt it, but I hope it does!!
Gets busted cheating? Then he says that all the "girls" are crazy and lying! Why would you still like someone who lies to you?? You should hate him...he's an aweful person. He's done this shit forever from what I hear. Your just one of many! And where his business is concerned. I'd say its karma..BAD GUY!!!He feeds off of weakness! I guarantee he's not thinking of anyone but himself right now!
Is this Kelley Cahill? He was telling me that all these comments are from an ex who is clinically nuts. He said that she's known throughout Orange County for being crazy. I doubt all these horrible comments are only from 1 person. I'm trying to hate him. I'm way too forgiving but he seemed so sincere and that's all that I saw. We were planning trips overseas and all kinds of stuff. He was SUCH a gentleman I couldn't even believe it!! The more I read and find things out, the more I dislike him. All my friends are telling me the same stuff. I know he's only thinking about himself. I'm just so hurt because I was 100% honest and open with him and everything he told me was a lie. It just stings.
This guy sounds like a real piece of work!!
I met this person in Orlando at the Shot Show. I thought he was a pretty sincere business man with a product I would like to carry. But after reading all this about him I am going to have to pass.
Let me ask you...was your trip overseas to Germany too?
No, our trip was to Prague. He said that he has a distributor there and since I'm a flight attendant and get cheap/free flights, he was all over it. He called me the day after Christmas and said that he wanted to go to Sydney and I said okay, but the flights were full coming home, then he mentioned Cabo, same situation, full flights coming back. But yeah, we were going to go to Prague in May for my vacation. And the person who saw him at the Shot Show, yeah, he's a total liar. He had me totally fooled. I thought I was the only one he was dating, come to find out, I'm just one of many. I'm not wasting any more tears over him. He's not worth it.
Yes, that part is true. Kelley Cahill is crazy and capable of just about anything!
Yeah, hi Jared!! How are all the other girls that you're lying to? How do you sleep at night? Remember telling me the 2 questions you ask yourself before you go to sleep? You need to think of other questions. Instead of bringing joy to yourself, you need to ask how many women you lied to? You are such a jerk!!
By the way, I leave for Sydney a week from today. You messed up, big time. It's going to be so great. It's warm and in the 80's there, you know, it's summer. I told Kim that I wanted you to come too, fortunately, I found out about you just in the nick of time!!
Jared isn't even that good looking, why are all of you making him such a big deal?? He has his own blog now!! Way to go and good job making him feel so important. I'd be laughin my ass of if I was him, all these women crying, complaining and plotting against him. Psycho girls are a dime a dozen in this town, Cahill is cruel and sick, but she aint the only one!
So you are the flight attendant that was getting him all the free flights. Wow. that guy always has a use for everyone doesn't he. I knew about the "Cheap" flights.
Jared you should be ashamed of yourself!! And the person above is right...except that the whole world now nows what a Con Man he is! Cheers Jared!!!
Wow. I heard about you also. Except you were a "pilot" male friend who was getting him screaming deals on airfare all over the place. Couldn't tell me the truth either! What a lying sac of sh...!
He's terrible. Always working it to see what he can get for free. My girlfriend always said she thought he was a hustler, kind of a male whore.
Wow, I can't believe that!! Nope, I'm 100% female and I work for United. I would ask what he was doing for the night and once he told me that he was going out with a male friend to some bar to see a new band or something. I'm sure he was with another girl. I found it strange that he would never call me on his way there, or back, he'd call me once or maybe twice a day. Once in the morning around 8 and again at night. Our conversations were never that long and always consisted of one thing...TRAVEL!!!!
My sister thought he was strange wanting to go to Sydney a few weeks after we met, wanting to go to Cabo since the SYD flights were full, then Prauge for my vacation in May. Always wanting to go somewhere. Playa!!
Kelley Cahill is trying to spread hurtful rumors when she in fact is out only for herself, requiring constant attention! She even hit on my husband at a party knowing very well that he is married!
So, Kelley may be crazy, but all of these comments can't be from her. Two other girls knew about me. Jared told someone that I was a pilot, and a guy?? And someone else knew too. All of these aren't just from her. Jared is a BAD dude. He lies to everyone about everything!! We probably all fell for it too because he's very sincere and smooth.
Jared is on here himself trashing Kelley. Some of these comments are from ME not Kelley. Not the flight attendant. You SOB how dare you lie to me again!!
How dare he lie to you again??? Get used to it sister. He played us all.
Jared is trashing Kelley and she is trashing him? Maybe so, but sounds like both for good reasons. Both suck
Sounds like its time they moved, maybe Jared could stay in Prague and Kelley belongs in L.A.
Jared's actions dont match his words, the first sign of a jerk.
Kelley is hitting on married men, first sign of a low life ho.No amount of plastic in this world can build character.
I have a question for the flight attendant. When and where did you meet Jared. That will allow me to pinpoint when he started cheating on me and the others as well. It will also explain alot of his "mad" behaviour. His hard working nights and lack of sleepovers. Could be interesting don't you think. How a Con Man operates!
Actually, I'm really glad he is now out of my life. I am meeting a HUGE number of super hot guys!!! He would die if he knew all the great stuff I'm now doing!!
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, just got to my hotel in Maui...so nice. Anyhow, first of all, Jared isn't going to Prague because I was going to get him pretty much free air fare. But I agree, he needs to go far, far away. I met Jared in the beginning of December through eharmony. He contacted me,
NOT the other way around. When I started reading all this stuff on him, I asked him if he was dating anyone else, he told me that he didn't have time for that. To all the girls who seem to know about me, (which seem to be alot), I'm truly sorry if I caused any heartache. I thought he was single. Like I said, HE PURSUED ME. He was the one calling me, texting me everything. He's a huge liar. Probably the biggest I've ever seen. I'm just glad I found all this out sooner rather than later.
And another thing, if he's on eharmony while he has at least one girlfriend, who knows what other sites he's on. We both cancelled the memberships after we met. I'm still kind of in shock about all of this.
What a loser you are Jared! I'm sorry he caused us all so much pain..I wonder what other women he's been playing off those sites. Good thing you had the smarts to google him and make contact through this dumb (although came in real handy)blog. BTW did you have your occupation listed when he contacted you?
Did you happen to have lunch with him the Friday before he went to Orlando?
Anyone else get the "I miss you" phone call today???
Yes, he knew what I did all along. In fact, before he left for Orlando, he was asking me how much "pull" I had with the company, (I imagine to get him up to first class), I told him that when it came to that kind of stuff, I have no pull what-so-ever. He told me that he was hoping that I would work his flight so we could join the mile-high-club. Wow, that's original, like I haven't heard that a million times before. And, gross, those bathrooms are tiny and filthy. The only reason I googled him in the first place is because I talked to my friends about him and how great he was. I thought he was SO perfect. I figured he must have a flaw somewhere, when something or someone seems too good to be true, it ususally is. So my friend typed him in and immediately called me. And, no, I didn't have lunch with him...I had dinner.
We went to some mexican place in Capistrano Beach. He must have 1 girl for breakfast, another for lunch and a different one for dinner!! Sick. He's playing with people's emotions and feelings. I don't get how someone can be so heartless!! My brain doesn't function that way, so I just don't get it. And for the girl who got the "I miss you" phonecall, HE'S LYING!! I heard that shit all the time!! After reading all of this, why waste your time? Everything that comes out of that man's mouth is a lie. He'll end up breaking your heart too. That's why I went to Hawaii over the weekend and I'm going to Sydney on Thursday. It gets my mind off of him. I do love the song that he wrote and sang. He gave me the CD and I put it on my ipod. I can't bring myself to delete it. He fucked with the wrong girl this time. I can turn into a HUGE bitch when I need to. Jared, if you're reading this...you may want to think twice about the knife show up in Lane County that you text messaged me about. Don't forget, I have a house in Oregon...not far from there. Consider this a warning. You fucked with my life and my feelings, I'll fuck with yours right back. A little thing called KARMA. And I'm really clever. You need to stop this. You have a real problem. I feel sorry for whom ever you marry. You'll NEVER be faithful...ever. Now that I think about it, Friday was the day he came to Del Mar to pick me up for breakfast. He said that that night some guy that had just broken up with his girlfriend was coming to visit but he was kind of a flake, so if he didn't show up, we'd hook up again that night. Of course, it was a lie so I saw him again on Sunday for dinner.
I think we all got a copy of his "beautiful" CD. Probably isn't even him. He is such a boaster. Always talking about himself and all his special talents. What a ASS you are Jared!!! Such a JOKE!
I thought about that. But he said it was about booze and considering he's had 8 DUI's, it may be. It actually doesn't really sound like him. Who knows? I also thought it was wierd that on our first date, we went back to his car and the first thing he did was show me his book of knives. That was the first thing he did!! I had no idea what that book was!! He just handed it to me. I thought it was a little odd. He's got serious problems. And who pays $8000.00 for a dining room table? He's not a Hilton or Rockafeller. LIAR!!!
I just read on another site that Quinn had to "buy" Jared at some auction because no one else would bid on him!! How funny!! And embarassing.
Jared's nickname in Newport Beach is "The $30,000.00 millionaire" because he is such a fake! Ever notice all the fake watches he wears. Fake designer clothes. Fake EVERYTHING!!! Always boasting and bragging about himself on whatever the topic may be. Its all pretty much common knowledge in Orange County. He's also known to be a MEAN person! Pisses everybody off all of the time. Male and Female. I feel sorry for ALL the people who get tangled up with him because he is such a huge liar. He will never change. Because that's just who he is a LIAR! I would have to assume that his business clientele have experienced this also. He is something else!
Wow. This guy really does have serious problems. 8 DUI's..what a loser!
I didn't realize everything was fake...I never really looked closely at it. The morning he came to get me for breakfast he was wearing a Versace shirt. I thought it was nice, fake apparantley huh? He can't be that fake though, his company seems pretty successful. Who knows. I think it's funny that he has that reputation. He is very mean. I didn't even do anything wrong for him to treat me the way he's treating me. Earlier someone said that he moved out of town, where did he move from? I actually googled his house because he always talks about it...it looked like an apartment. And if he's so wealthy, why does he have a room mate? I never really thought about that until now!! And yes, he has 8 DUI's. After I found all this out, someone I know did a background check on him and I saw the report...8. How does he even have a license? Maybe he doesn't. I made a huge mistake liking him so much. I'm an easy target because I have an innocent look and I'm very trusting. He must look for that in his girls because he pursued me. I just fell for his lies. Stupid.
Yup! Its all fake. He's a big fake. It's all about money with him. If he thinks you have any kind of money at all he's right there to help you spend it. Always plays the big shot. Imagine being in his skin. Actually pretty pathetic don't you think? I think he does live in an apartment come to think of it.
Wow, this is all so good to know. I had no idea about any of this. It's a good thing he never found out what I actually have. All he knew about me was that I was a flight attendant and live part time in San Diego, and part time in Oregon. He always acted like he was a big shot. I want to know how he could POSSIBLY have a license after having 8 DUI's. How does anyone even get that many?!!? Is he retarded? Slow learner? Thinks he is above the law? My friends who see his picture think that he looks pretty mean. I thought he looked like a player, but the way he treated me was the exact opposite. It was all lies though. I'm excited for his knife show up in Oregon in April. I have a few things up my sleeve for him. He needs to get what he deserves. KARMA...
Actually, We all think he looks like a Devil. Look at his eye brows, eyes and pointy features! SCARY! I'm sure that there must be horns hidden somewhere.
Ha ha, that's so funny!! Last I heard, the devil has many many forms...I think he actually MAY BE the devil!! He is an evil, evil man.
So, I just talked to a friend who watches that Housewives of Orange County show and she said that he was so dumb!! On another site people metioned that he was strange too. He said that he could tell if Quinn was wearing underwear by his watch. What does that even mean? And I guess it's by his FAKE watch too. I looked at his picture a little closer and he does look like the devil!! Well, I'm off to Syndey for a week now. Keep up the good work girls!!
Peace out Jared. So glad you're not coming with us.
I doubt Jared is the DEVIL, but I sure don't think the guy is even good looking. Not sure what all you ladies saw in him anyway. Charming or not, he just isn't hot.
Jared is a very mean person which makes him ugly. I'm in Sydney (which is beautiful...and HOT) and his song just came on my ipod...I don't think it's him!! I thought he was really hot, but that's when he was being nice (playing me). Now he's ugly, and the devil.
I had no idea how hated he actually is. We just met and I'm glad I saw all of this. Sounds like a player, just like I thought.
Kelley should move to LA? That isn't far enough away!
We just met also. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I'm glad he lives far from me. I thought he was a player but now I'm sure of it. And I did notice the fake watch with the plastic strap!
Hey Jared. Will you be auctioned off this year again? I'd love to be there with all those old bags in the crowd to throw rotten eggs at you! Or maybe they didn't invite you back this year since now everyone knows what a liar you are! Cheers!
Ha ha ha, I'd love to be there at that auction too!! Hey there Jared!! Still in Sydney and I love it here. It's a good thing you didn't come. You wouldn't fit in here...at all. My advise to you is, stay far far away from here. The aussies will kick your ass. Kim and I of course didn't have a problem with that. :-) We have best friends over here...of course, every word out of our mouth isn't lies either. Still planning on the knife show up in Oregon? I can't wait to see you there...
To the girl who just met him, RUN. The guy is a compuslive liar and probably has about 4 other girlfriends. He came onto me and when I asked him about dating other women, he told me he didn't have time for that. Come to find out, he had like 5. When I found out, I was hurt and left the country for a holiday. Try calling him a few times throughout the day...he won't answer. Ask him what he's doing on a night you don't have plans with him, he'll have plans with someone (a guy) guaranteed. Only thing, it's not a guy. It's one of his many girlfriends. Funny thing, lots of people google people now and any girl who dates him should see this and find out what a loser he really is.
Well, I hate to give Jared any kind of a break here but I'm starting to realize what's going on with him. So here goes. He is an alcoholic/drug addict in recovery. Along with that goes a whole gambit of emotions, He's in then he's out; he's on then he's off; he's up then he's down, etc....never any real order to his mental functions. SCARY...that's the way people in recovery are...always substituting one addition for another. Its when the sex addiction kicks in that the Player comes out. And the lying to all the women begins. And since the typical alcoholic has had to lie his whole life to cover his addiction, lying comes VERY easy to him. That's why its sooo believable and smooth. And I truly believe that he believes his own lies at the time. That's why its so easy for him to lie. Of course Jared is definitely more of a receiver than a giver and thus always has an angle to play and in the end it bites him in the ass. So. Basically I think people in recovery should date like people. And leave us normal people alone. It would make our lives much easier. So..next time you meet someone with this disease RUN.
He was/is a drug addict too? I thought it was just alcohol. I agree that he needs to date people in his AA meetings or whatever he does. Either way, the guy is an ass and I would NEVER defend anything he says or does. He's hurt way too many people with his lies and bullshit and I believe in karma and he'll get what he deserves in one way or another.
Sounds like Jared and Cahill are the perfect pair! Ha!
Sounds like that Kelley chick is hated just as much as he is! He's a sick dude. So is he a recovering alcoholic, drug addict and sex addict too? Wow, that's gross. I feel sorry for anyone who gets involved with him. They're asking for a broken heart because I don't think he knows how to be a faithful boyfriend...or even friend for that matter! He's a compulsive liar. He gets help for his alcoholism, he needs help for his lies! He needs to stop.
Just went out with Jared. Good thing I googled him. I'll never see him again after seeing all of this.
Don't know what the big deal is about this guy? I met him out a couple of weeks ago and he looked like crap. Really...all drawn. My girlfriend knew him and said she didn't even recognize him he looked so bad. Maybe all this bashing is getting to him. Or maybe all the lies are making him not sleep at night? Whatever it is he looks like CRAP! That should make all you girls feel better...an ugly player.
Jared the great, look like crap? That's wonderful to hear. I hope all this bashing is getting to him, and I hope he's not sleeping at night. I hope he's stressed, I hope he gets gray hair, I'm glad he looks awful. He's such a jerk everything he gets, he deserves. He has broken so many girls' hearts with his lies and all the other bullshit he puts nice, normal women through hell...except for Kelley, she seems off her rocker. He comes onto girls when he has other girlfriends!! What kind of creep does that anyways? Then he starts lying. Someone needs to ask him what he did for a day, then ask him to do it backwards...it will throw him off and he'll be caught off guard and won't be able to do it...guaranteed. "Lie to me" is a great show. People can learn alot.
It was funny, he told me that I watch "trash tv"...like he has any right. HE WAS ON TRASH TV!!! I don't watch that stupid show, that's why I had no idea who he really was. Jared can go to hell for all I care.
Not only was he "kinda" ON trash t.v. (totally USED Quinn to get on t.v. don't forget) but he likes to watch mindless prime time cartoons! I don't know who he thinks he is? But he definitely thinks he's better than everybody else! Everyone else is a fucking idiot according to him.
Hey Jared. Did you know you're also bashed on "Don't Date Him Girl". Its a website to notify single women about Liars, you know Bad Men! But since you always like to google yourself I'm sure you probably already know this.
Ha ha, that is so funny!! Don't date him girl?? Who even goes there anyways? I love it. I hope every girl on earth finds out what a creep he truly is. Well, anyone who comes into contact with him will find out one way or another. He googles himself? So he knows how much everyone really hates him? Great. That one girl said that he looks like crap, maybe it is getting to him. GOOD. I hope there is a huge picture of him on that other website. He uses the same one for everything. You know, the one where his eyes look captivating. That's his main picture for everything. Get some new pics babe. I'm just glad that the word about him is spreading. Soon (in April to be exact) everyone in Oregon will know too...I'll make sure of it. He fucked with the wrong girl when he fucked with me.
LOL, captivating eyes! He photo shopped that pic so the whites of his eyes stand out. Personally I think he looks psycho and like he's trying way too hard to look "captivating".
Kelley is whacko but more than that she is cruel, manipulating and full of shit. I agree with who said they are a good pair. Ridiculous pathetic pair. Both of them need to take their wanna be rich selves and their lies and manipulations to some other state.
Seems one too many bridges have been burned here!!
He photo shopped his eyes?? Who does that? What a moron!! He does use that picture for alot of stuff. He used it on his eharmony page, he has it on his cell fish page (whatever that is) he probably has it on other dating sites too. I just can't believe that he photo shopped it. How sad.
As for Kelley, I never met or heard of her before this, but she sounds just as hated as Jared is. I thought he was totally loaded...he must have some money since he drives that beautiful beamer, and spent $8000.00 on a table (or so he says). He owns Mantis doesn't he? Either way, rich or not, he's a total prick.
That is so funny. My friend and I just looked at the cell fish pic and it does look fake!! The whites of his eyes are whiter than the stairs in the background!! Tone it down Jared.
Have any of you actually been to his house/apartment? Beautiful Beamer? Things a piece of crap all blacked out and faked out! $8,000 table..no way! Owns that knife company. Maybe or maybe not! As for the photo. I'll bet he had Kelley take that photo for him then he posted it on all his websites to "captivate" other women. Kinda like a cockroach scrambling off with his score. AGAIN. Only thinking of himself!!
No, I never went to his house. He wouldn't let me...that was kind of a red flag. Right then I got suspicious, and thought he was hiding something, but then I thought that maybe he was a good christian and wanted to take things slow. He was telling me that he had a communion service with his mom and grandma. I didn't believe that because we have communion every week at my church...not a certain service. He said his car was brand new!! That he had got it 2 weeks prior. How can it be faked out? My best friend thought the $8,000 table was a lie. Unless he's a Hilton, Trump, Rockafeller, or something like that, you don't buy a table that expensive. I think he probably owns the company...but yeah, who knows? He's SUCH a liar.
I agree with the person who claims that Jared and Kelley are very manipulative individuals, only out for themselves and not caring who they hurt along the way. As for moving to another state? How about another country?!
Sounds like he played you big time. So sorry. The car may be new to him but I assure you it is not a new car.Likes to use his family to cover his lies to. Jared at communion...bet the church burned down after he left!!!
He did. He played me big time. I'm a very trusting person and I believed every lie he told. I was honest with him about everything. My sister thought he was using me for all the flight benefits that I was going to get him. But I told her that he has money and didn't need my benefits. I guess I was wrong. Considering pretty much all we talked about was travel and when and where we were going to go.
The communion thing sounded wierd but I thought, how sweet, he's going with his mom and grandma. But like I said before, it happens weekly, not at special services. He's the anti-christ, I'm surprised HE didn't catch on fire!!
I feel bad because he totally came onto me while he had a committed girlfriend. I honestly had no idea. I've been cheated on and would NEVER in a million years do it to another undeserving girl.
***********************************I am so thankful for this site! Im glad all u girls are able to see his real true colors! he is total scum and has many STDS!!!!! If u have evr been with Jared sexually i would go get tested asap!!! You will have an STD after being with him! Trust me! I learned the hard way!!!!! Blessings u to u all!
If any of you have anything to say to Jared West CALL HIM personally. He lives in ANAHEIM. OR wat he calls "Anaheim Hills" Here's his cell number 949 500-6945
house number 714 685 1931
Hey Jared, if you're going to put your number up here, try putting up the right one. Your house number is: 714-602-6951...unless that was a lie too, but when you called me from your house, this was the number that would come up on my phone. If it's not Jared, he's a total coward. I tried emailing him and he never wrote back...he's a chicken shit. He knows that he's a liar and has been caught. I'd ignore everyone too if I were him. He's been exposed to everyone and there is nothing he can do about it. I don't see this stopping anytime soon, and I hope it doesn't. He needs to be hurt like he hurt all these women. For the girl who said that he has STD's, I'm not doubting you, but what kind does he have? He swore to me that he was clean.
Funny- Jared swore to me too that he was clean n "had no idea". Well, he lied to me and will lie to you too. In Jareds big head he is on top of his "game" and convinces himself that he is right and you are wrong. He will blame U, and he will be mad at U for thinking different....Point being, just get tested! What i have been confirmed are- HPV(Human papillomavirus),Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Herpes! (HSV1 and HSV2!) He is DIRTY n will keep thinking he is safe until he has an outbreak. I was clean before i met that disgusting shit piece of sh*t!! he is the devil and deserves the worst in life for all that he is/has done!! I cant wait till KARMA hits him bc it will sooner or later!!!! =)
He gave me Herpes! Thats what kind he has..NICE Jared! Keep passing it around!
You girls need to stop. Jared has been wonderful to me. He gives me money and buys me presents and in return I give him sex. I have never caught anything from him! I don't know how any of you can say that you have...you are the LIARS!
To the girl who is sleeping with him for money and presents...you realize that you're basically a prostitute right? Sick. Why don't you get an education and a REAL job? Jared is a lying douche bag. Well, maybe you're perfect for each other. He's a man-whore too. You're NOT the only one he's with, he's playing you, has NO feelings for you so I hope that you don't get attached to him. At first, I didn't believe all this stuff either but when I confronted him, he flipped out. Obviously, everyone on here isn't lying. He's truly HATED. He was hiding all this from me and he got caught. If it wasn't real, he wouldn't have acted the way he did. Have you even read all this stuff? Do hookers know how to read? You might as well stop, because there are probably 15 or 20girls on here who will attack you with words. We are all in the same boat and agree with each other. You are the only one causing problems. Either, you are lying, using protection, or it's Jared himself. Get a life.
Yup! He likes to flip out so hard that you back off! Then he thinks he's talked you out of it. Tries to make you feel bad for confronting him. Then he "misses" you. Whatever jared!!!
Oh no, he doesn't miss me. He thinks that I started this page back up. I told him that it never stopped!! He's mad because I caught him in a lie. Maybe he's never been caught before...I don't know. It was funny because everyone who saw his picture said, "He looks so familiar, is he an actor?" I always said no. What a jack ass!! They all saw him on that pathetic show he was on. I never saw it, so I had no idea. One of my friends wants to come to the knife show with me when he comes up to Oregon. He won't get any business here, and I'll make sure of it. One of my friends is coming too. Freedom of speech is a really good right to have. Ha ha, I can't wait. Karma Jared!! Everyone here knows you deserve it and I'll make sure that you get what you deserve.
I think you all need to seriously get a life..Haven't you all known players in the past?
Your picking on him because of his soon to be success, somewhat celebrity status, or maby just hateful people.
It seems obvious that none of you have ever had any kind of attention from such an attractive, fun, loving man.
I wansn't aware that he had STD's, however, it was about four years ago when I dated him. I was actually the one who kinda blew him off. He was very real, and a ton of fun.
I hope you all realize that he is young and SINGLE, let me say that again, SINGLE!!!!!! If he lied to all of you, that is unfortunate, however, maby he may have genuinly liked all of you in some way and as dramatic as woman can be he just didn't want to hurt all of you, so he found it easier to lie.
Even as myself being a woman, I lie to men all of the time. Not to deceive them but to spare there feelings. Besides we can all only play the victim for so long!!!!!
As far as him using people, if thats the way you want to look at it then fine but anyone who is business minded would consider that "Networking" not using!!!! Don't we all look for connections, and hook-ups?
Maby your time spent with him was only a moment in time. Those moments are sometimes wonderful if you can enjoy them for what they are and not demand commitment from them.
I am sure one day he will find the one for him!!! Until then he probably will remain a player until the right one comes for him. Knowing Jared he would never settle for less than extrodinary, so I think the best reality for all of you is to realize that obviously he is just not that into you, and get over it. A classy girl would just walk away and realize that and not try to destroy, or publicize his flaws!!!! I think you should all spend more time looking for a guy that is into you instead of bashing someone thats not. All is fair in love and war! Sorry!!!! By the way I highly recommend you all seeing that movie when it comes out. It will hopefully teach you all alot!!!! Pay close attention ;-)!!!
As someone previously commented, Jared and Kelley are the perfect pair...always seeking attention and pretending to be rich. What a joke!
Okay, to the girl who wrote the novel, first of all, LEARN TO SPELL. It's "maybe" not "maby" that's not even a word. Jared lied and played everyone on here. He came onto me when he had a girlfriend!!! What kind of creep does that? He took my hand in his, looks me in my eyes and said, "Are you physically attracted to me? Because if you're not, I'm giving you an out." I told him that I was attracted to him and didn't want his "out". He started making plans to go to Prauge with me, Germany with some other girl. You're wrong. Maybe four years ago he was better, but now, he's a liar and a player!! He needs to stop. By the way, I saw the movie and read the book. Jared is worse than any of the guys in the movie.
U got burned!!!!! Get over it! Take it as a lesson learned and move on ;-) It happens to everyone.
OMG. He took your hand and asked you if you were attracted to him! Thats such a PLAYER move. Really..who wouldn't be attracted to that..and he knew it! So calculated, So manipulative! Wanting the free airfare and discount hotels of course. You're lucky you dodged that BIG bullet! I wish I had time to go into all the bs and manipulation I went through. He's way beyond the book or movie. He's just plain evil!!!
I did get burned, and I have moved on, still doesn't change the fact that I got lied to, played, manipulated and everything else. He'll keep doing it too!! He's such a loser!! Looks are temporary but attitude is forever. Not only did he take my hand in his, he looked me straight in the eyes!! I thought he was a player at first, but he's so good at it, he convinced me that he wasn't. Thanks for sticking up for me though. I like to think that I'm lucky I got out when I did. I did like him though.
Oh, and it's not just free airfare, and discounted hotels. It's health insurance, super cheap rental cars, cruises, airfare on other airlines besides United, cheap resorts, all kinds of great benefits. To think I was going to get him to Prague too. I'll go with someone else who deserves it. We should all go on a "We hate Jared" trip, and post it, or send it to his email. Ha ha, that would be so funny!!
This is all very SAD! He should be ashamed of himself and you all should be OVER IT! He's more than likely with a new girl now and happier than ever. Maybe he needs to apologize to you all via this blog and stop the madness. What do think Jared? Maybe stop the madness and say you're sorry!
LOL..A sorry will NEVER be enough for what that PIG has done. He has left some of us with diseases that we are stuck with the rest of our lives!! That we can NEVER change. F*CK YOU JARED WEST!!!! You are a dirty rotten person inside and out. I truly feel sorry for you! I really do hope u can change one day and MAYBE 'GOD' can forgive u for all the people u have hurt and infected! As for ME, go to HELL!
Wow, tell us how you really feel. I agree with you 110%. He is a horrible person. God doesn't know Jared. And if he does, he won't forgive him. Lying is a sin. Breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Well, lying, cheating and stealing are all breaking them and he's done at least 2. Lying and cheating. He's going straight to hell, no questions. And I'm sure he's with someone, but not happy, or faithful. He doesn't know how to be happy because he's just a miserable person!! Sorry won't cover it for any of us.
Wow. Reading this blog is starting to make my head spin. Let's condense it-
To Jared: get over yourself and it would be a good idea to rethink how you treat women, or probably people in general. You might as well bend over and grab your ankles, cause you are creating some pretty shitty karma your way.
To Kelley: You sound like a mess. I'm wondering how many of these posts you've written, you have an agenda.
To everybody else:
Let's meet for a drink!
Oh, and I forgot..since when does showing your face a few times on someone else's lame "reality" show make you any form of a celebrity?
I know this is a blog about the OC housewives, but come on, that show is not even laughable anymore, just pathetic.
Sounds good. I'd love to meet for a drink and compare lies. I'm sure it would turn out to be quite entertaining! Maybe Jared could make a "guest" appearance. We could contact him and pretend its a new reality show and he's the main talent. He wouldn't be able to resist being on television again!!!
I'm down. I'd love to see everyone Jared lied to and hurt. I want to meet the girl that he was dating when he contacted me through eharmony. I feel so bad for that. I've been cheated on and would NEVER do that to someone.
I would also love to have Jared there. His face would turn white as a ghost if he walked in and saw all of his exes there. Maybe he'd die of heart failure. I know cpr, but I may forget it that day...woops.
lol! so funny! I think thats a great idea! Im down too! Just for some good shits N giggles ;)
That's 4 so far!!
I an SURE you are not the only girl he was seeing from Eharmony. I was told he was dating up a storm on that servise! Unfortunately I met him live..
Oh, I met him live too. A bunch of times!! What sickens me is, why would he be there if he had a girlfriend already? That's a real ass hole thing to do. I know I wasn't the only one. From eharmony
or not. He had plans EVERY NIGHT. He always said that it was with other guys but he also told some girl that I was a pilot, and a guy, so I'm sure he was lying to me about who he was with and where they were going. I found it strange that he only wanted to talk once a day. My boyfriends always talk to me at least twice a day, even when I'm working. The only time my phone is off is if I'm actually in the air. Jared is a creep and I HATE him. I hope he rots in hell, and I'm sure he will.
He is the worst person I've ever known. I'm just thanking my lucky stars that I didn't sleep with him.
Passing around STD's? ASS HOLE!!!
I wonder if he knows that's illegal? He'd do real good in jail.
I may be a mess to some people. But anyone who knows my life with Jared knows that HE drove me to it! He used and abused me for years. He knows it to. Lied to me. Cheated on me. Stole from me. You name it he did it. He hurts everyone he comes into contact with and always will.
Well I'm quite shocked by all this. Just decided to google him by chance and this is what I see! All I can say is that while you girls are waiting for him in Oregon I'll be waiting for him in New York! Ass hole!
My friend googled him because she thought that he was too perfect (from what I told her) so I googled him and I was shocked too. I didn't believe it at first and confronted him. At first he was cool about it, then flipped the switch and went bazerk. Obviously he was keeping a BIG secret from me. I'll be waiting for him in Oregon at his knife show. He better not show up because I'll be making sure that he gets NO business here. I hope when he goes to New York, that you are waiting for him. He deserves hell from what he put everyone through. And as for Kelley, people dislike you as much as they dislike him!! Don't hit on married men!! What kind of whore does that? He lied to everyone, cheated on everyone you're not the only one. I heard he looks horrible. I hope all of this is getting to him because I know he looks at it. Go to hell Jared. You disgust me. I'm so glad I found out about you before anything sexual happened you sick fuck. Go to Prauge by yourself richy rich. I'm going with someone who actually deserve my benefits.
"Richy Rich" his new nickname!!
To the girl who wants to see Jared when he comes to New York. Are you the one he was supposed to go to NY to see over New Years? He said he was going with some "old college buddies". When he realized that I could get him to Australia for practically free, he cancelled his trip. We didn't go because the flights getting home were full. We would have been stuck there until the 9th...then he wanted to go to Cabo, but it was the same situation. He ended up making plans with some other girl and told me that he was with family. Right...I knew he was lying but overlooked it. I don't think that guy could tell the truth if his life depended on it. He makes me sick.
No. He never had plans with me in NY for New Years. He must have had them with another girl. I don't know if he ever made it here. If he did he didn't let me now. I met him in NY in early November. I thought he was kinda gay anyway!
Sounds like he never really had a trip planned to NY. Just jumped on the other trips you offered because they were free!!!!
Sounds like Jared lied to so many women that he probably can't keep his stories straight. As for his ex Kelley, he may have lied and cheated on you but I doubt he drove you to hit on married men. You have to take ownership of your own life. To both: what goes around comes around.
I agree completely with that last statement! Ownership! No one can drive you to do things, or make you act like a bitch ho ..no matter what they do to you. Ever hear of walking away? There is never a reason or excuse to be those things. If you insist on playing victim and blaming Jared or any other person for your low life behavior, go on Jerry Springer, they'll pay you a few bucks to show it off.
Maybe you should take "ownership" for your bad behaviour Jared. And since you like money so much why don't you go on Jerry Springer and make some coffee money!
Ok, so my name is Laine, I'm the flight attendant that he lied to so many of you about. He never went anywhere with me, he just planned on it, then I found all this shit out and it was over. I confronted him and he acted like he didn't know about this site, the next morning he called me and went crazy. I asked him a while ago about seeing other women, he told me that he didn't have time for that. So he's lied to everyone about everything. If he told any of you ladies anything about getting free airfare from me, HE'S LYING!!!! I'm so glad that I found out about this before I hooked him up because I was totally ready to. He was on his way to getting ALL of my benefits.
Airfare, health insurance, cruises, cars, hotels, the list goes on and on. He's a dirty, lowdown piece of shit. Now I need to go get ready for my date with a real man. Happy Valentines to all the other women who Jared hurt and lied to. He's not worth it. Karma will bite him in the ass sooner or later...it always does.
Jared, you are so funny! I don't even know you. But, after reading all of these comments, you are screwed dude! The funniest part is that it is so obvious when you write your own comments about yourself. I think you should go see a professional about your problem with lying so much....maybe since you had to stop drinking and doing drugs, this is your new drug (or addiction) LYING!!!! I have seen you on the show and I never knew why they picked you to be on there, you have no personality and your actually ugly with your big head and ugly jaw.
The fact that this blog about Jared has been fueled for so long, sort of feeds into his ego I bet. Look at the string of broken hearts! Hearts don't break if they don't care. The lesson is don't hand yourself over so easily unless you really know a guy.
Who gives a crap that this guy was on a few episodes of a local show years ago. He's a loser..NEXT!
Check out Kelley's MySpace and someone tell her there is no such word as Integris.
How can you guys tell when that lying piece of shit writes his own comment? There are a few that sound like he's written, but I can't really tell all of them. I wish I could.
I've written a couple comments recently and Im not Jared. Seems like everyone is bashing, wouldnt he be trying to defend himself or make himself seem better? Anyway, who cares if he writes anything anyway..why would it even matter? And NO, I'm not him trying to not sound like him lol. Im the one that said lets all meet for drinks! :D
Does he really google himself? What a loser!! I just can't get over his actions. I was thinking about it last night. How does he keep everyone straight. He's really hated by alot of people...soon to be more too.
After reading the previous comments, it's my understanding that Jared is in his late twenties and Kelley is in her mid forties. I have seen young children behave more maturely and more responsibly than these two. You are both adults...start acting like one!!
Jared will never act like an adult.
His entire life is lies, it's all he knows how to do. I don't think he can distinguish between the truth and a lie anymore. There is no hope for him. He's a total loser. We just refer to him as a "losebag". I feel sorry for any girl who gets involved with him. They will end up getting their heart broken because he's SO good at lies that we believe them. He just goes until he gets caught...and he always does. He's probably lost some really good potential girlfriends by his lies. He lost me, and I'm a great girlfriend. I'm everything he's not. Se la vie Jared.
The VERY LAST comment on the 13th was written by no one else but Jared the great. The comment above it was written to Kelley and Jared, the next one is written strictly about Kelley. Jared did it. Hey Jared, you douche bag, why don't you give me a call? Although, the day after we had our fight and I texted you, you responded by asking who it was. You knew exactly who it was. Who else do you know in a 541 area code? You always say how smart you are, prove it!!! 541 is Oregon you ass fuck. I should warn you what you're doing when you go up to Oregon for the knife show at Lane County Convention Center. You're stepping into the lions den...and in my old stomping grounds. Did I tell you that my brother is an Officer in the Marine Corps? Oh, and a pilot too. Don't fuck with either of us. You fuck with me, he'll go after you, you fuck with him and about 300 of his men will go after you. You'd best pull out of that show. You won't do good up there. It's a waste of time...and if it cuts into a wakeboarding weekend, then I'll just be mad on top of it all. April is basically when we get our boats back and head to the lake. It's a big party and I don't ever miss it. See, since I don't have a problem drinking, I can have a few and know when enough is enough. Unlike your dumb ass.
BTW when did you have your last "fight" conversation with "Jarhead"?
I think you mean the 1st comment on the 14th is him....bagging on Kelley AGAIN!!
Jarhead, that's funny. Not all Marines are jarheads. My brother is one and he is pretty bad ass, but he's not enlisted. He's a college grad. I haven't talked to that jarhead for a while. I don't need or want to waste my time, or minutes on my phone with someone who's worthless. And the comment on the 14th is someone telling Jared to go on Jerry Springer for some coffee money!! Hilarious. Off to Disneyland now!! What a life huh?
Sorry for the "Jarhead" comment. It wasn't intended to imply anything about your brother being a marine. They called Mr. West "Jarhead" during the show because of his big head! And they didn't mean his ego!!!
No, it's totally fine. I didn't really think you were talking about my brother. They call marines Jarheads, because of their lame haircuts. I figured you were talking about Jared. I never watched that pathetic show, so I have no idea what they called him. I had no idea who he even was!! I was just an innocent bystandard here. I feel so bad for what he's done to everyone. He came on to me with a girlfriend and I hate that. I've been cheated on and would NEVER deliberately do that to another girl...that I don't know, or hate. Now that I know him, and know how he is, he's ugly to me. Beyond his face, he's hollow. I told my ex that he should commit suicide and make the world a better place. Super mean, I know, but he's horrid too. Jared does NOTHING to benefit anyone else but himself. I volunteer at the humane socitey, I go to church, I donate to charity, I helped victims of hurricane Katrina, what has he done? Nothing!! He's good for nothing and worthless. I can't stand him.
Well, I wrote the last comment on the 13th and I'm a female, definitely NOT Jared. I don't think a poor opinion of Kelley is limited to this idiot Jared.
I agree. Jared isn't the only one with a poor opinion of Kelley. There are plenty of others out there who feel the same way.
FYI: This isn't Jared
Whatever Jared!!!!
Wow, calm down ladies!! Or Jared or whoever...Who cares if it is Jared!! I hope it is so he can read all of this and realize how hated he actually is!! Girls fighting over whether it's Jared or not, is NOT WORTH IT!!!!
I agree...chill out! Who cares if he writes anything anyway. Like the others, I'm not Jared, but I almost wish he would write something.. something interesting.
Ho one has anything to hide right?
Yes Jared, please, write something and IDENTIFY YOURSELF!!! Maybe the words, "I'm sorry" or, "I should go to hell" or something clever. Come on Richy Rich...we all know you read this. You're so self absorbed and look!! You're the topic of conversation!! You should be so proud. Or maybe you're to busy at your "communion service with your mom and grandma".
Good one ass hole. I believed it to. What a crock of SHIT!!!!
Sounds like most of the Jared bashing is coming from his ex, Kelley. In her comments back in November, she states that everyone should get a life and that the OC housewives and Jared are a waste of time. If that is the case, why is she on this site so much?!?
I don't know that Kelley chick. Everyone seems to know her. I'm out of the loop I guess!! I hope it's not all her. The more people know how Jared really operates, the better. I want the world to hate this guy. He hurt me pretty bad and I want him to get what he deserves. I'm hoping that anyone who wants to do business with him googles him, sees this site (since it's first) and sees this and what a bad person he truly is.
So this is not Kelley or Laine! Just another "nice" person that Jared burned! I don't care about his life with these other girls. All I know is that he's a bad person and has SUPER bad karma. You people have no idea how BAD he really is. He should be very ashamed of himself!
No, this is Laine. I wrote the comment about people google-ing him. I hate Jared and want everyone to know how bad he is!! He texted me about a knife show up in Oregon, (in Lane County, how funny) and if he's smart, he won't go. I went to school at University of Oregon which is up that way and know alot of people there. He won't get any business in Oregon and I'll make sure of it. I was going through my old emails today and I came across one that I wrote to my friend about him. He had me SO fooled!! I was raving about how great he was and how he wasn't seeing anyone but me because he closed his facebook acct and his eharmony acct right after we met. He told me that he was working 90 hrs a week, I don't even work that in a month, he was so busy, he didn't have time for anyone else, he doesn't go to bars, he invited me to the boat parade in Newport. I thought he was a gem. Honest, sweet, thoughtful, successful. All a joke and a bunch of lies. I don't know Kelley, but she's hated as much as he is!! If everything about her is true, they deserve each other!! Hitting on married men? Sick homewrecker.
He was for sure being dishonest with you. You did the right thing by dumping him. Never been to his apartment!! Thats because he was having all the rest of us over there and didn't want you to find out. Boat parade, yes, I also knew about that. I figured his crap out around that time and went with someone else instead of him on another boat. He's a HUGE liar!
BYW I have since heard he loves strippers and hookers!
Well, when he got mad at me he told me that he had a stripper in Vegas or something. I wrote down exactly what he said to me way up this thing. Well, some girl is now sleeping with him in return for him giving her money and presents. Slut. He's diry.
Bull Shit "he doesn't go to bars" I've seen him at lots of bars. He was just saying that so all the eharmony girls would think he was a "good" christian boy...what a JOKE!
The Kelley woman mentioned above is right along the same lines as Jared. She does more than hit on married men, she is manipulating, calculating, lying, emotionally nuts, selfish and all about finding guys with money. I wouldnt be surprised if she did write all over this blog to look like she is a group of pissed of girls. She is all about revenge.
What is wrong with them? Both Kelley and Jared? Crazy. The whole thing about Jared not going to bars, he didn't mention that on eharmony, he told me that in person!! Isn't he an alcoholic? Recovering or not, I don't think a bar is ideal for someone like that. I doubt he's ever worked 90 hours in a week. That would be like 18 hour days. I should have figured that out right away. I figured he was hiding something when he wouldn't let me come to his house. I just thought he was bieng a "good christian" and wanting to take things slow. Christianity isn't something to lie or joke about. He's so going to hell. Does he like older women or something? He dated Quinn, who's like what...52? Gross, Kelley is in her 40's isn't she? I'm 33. I saw Kelley's profile on my space and yes, "integris" isn't a word. She looks pretty though. But she also looks like she's trying to look way younger than she is. Well, I just got to a awesome resort in Maui so I'm not going to sit here and waste my time on a worthless ass hole like Jared anymore. I'm going out...I can actually handle my alcohol. Yes Jared, I do enjoy a drink every now and then.
Well I'm in London and I'm sure he would love to be tagging along. Age is nothing to him as long as you have something to offer him. He will use and abuse you. No problem for him. He USED Quinn, he USED you and he tried to USE me!He'd fuck an ugly 60 year old if he thought he could get something out of it! He's SICK period! He will go to hell for sure, and he knows it..sleep well Jared!
Kelley's pictures are airbrushed. She needs to act her age! A woman in her forties dressing like that? Please!!!
London!! One of my favorite places ever...expensive though. You HAVE to go to the Tower. It's amazing, if you have time, go to a play. Cheap tickets are avail at Picadilly Circus or Leistcher Square. I'm sure Jared would love to be tagging along with you too. He was making plans for us to travel months in advance. I think he targeted me for a couple reasons, first, my job is very attractive, free airfare? And I'm an easy target. I'm gullible and very open and he probably caught onto that quick. He knows what he's doing. He is sick. He told me that he has a "life coach", that person isn't doing a very good job. Kelley's main pic looks airbrushed and I noticed that she dresses a little young for her age. Flaunting her fake boobs everywhere. Sun's out, beauitful day here, I'm off to the beach.
London is cold right now..brrr. Have fun though!!
Have you seen the pic on Kelley's MySpace where she is holding a rosary?? Talk about airbrushed!What's with that pose anyway?? I think her and Jared use the same photo shop program.
Kelley is supposedly a facialist but needs airbrushing! What does that say about her? Does she have any kids? I feel bad for them if she does.
It looks like she has sun damage in real life. No kids!
Sounds like you know her. Is she as awful as these people are saying? She sounds really hated!
That's funny that Jared and Kelley photoshop their own pics. Pathetic. If you look closely at that pic that Jared posts everywhere, the one where his eyes look great, the whites of his eyes are whiter than the stairs in the background. I didn't realize it until I read it on here, but it's true. Everything about that guy is fake...everything. He and my other ex should get together. They're equally bad. They'll see each other in hell. It's refreshing to see someone else who doesn't know Kelley. I though I was the only one. And yes...London is ALWAYS cold. I don't think they know what summer is there.
Let's just say, she is known in Orange County , and not in a good way either lol
What can I say? She's fucked up and doesnt want to change. I dont think she's that pretty either.
and PS, no this isnt being written by Jared
Maybe if Kelley blasted off all of her tons of makeup we could see what she really looks like! Its quite unbelievable just how "painted" her face is. Jared must like waking up to a clown.
clown is a good description. wonder what guy she is trying to rope in now. Someone married with money or single with money. Don't think it matters as long as they have the money.
Only someone with low self-esteem behaves that way. How many married guys did she date anyway? That's just wrong!
It's pretty obvious based on all these comments that Jared and Kelley are selfish individuals who go through life taking what they want and not caring for one second who they hurt along the way. One day they are going to wake up old and alone!!
Yes! Using people and then discarding
them is what they do. Like you said above, they will be old (Kelley a little quicker than Jared) and alone.
Karma is a bitch too
I think they are being given WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT here!!!I did a little discarding with one of them myself!
discarding with one of them? you must mean you dumped Kelley or Jared?
WAKE UP PEOPLE! If you have dumped Kelley or been dumped by Jared or vice versa, what are you doing looking their names up and adding to the blog everyday?? Can't let go maybe? Do you check everything about them on the internet, check to see if they have airbrushed their pics, follow what they are doing? Holy shit, get some help then and move on and find people of real character and class.
Jared used me and lied to me so I want him to pay. The only reason I google him and write on this blog is so that anyone who googles him in the future (which WILL happen) will see this and see how bad and how hated he is. The more people that google and post things, the better, and it will remain the number one spot when his name is typed in. I want to find out how to start my own blog about another ex who is just as evil as Jared and find out what people have to say about him and how many times he really cheated on me, but I don't know how. As far as Jared goes, this needs to keep going.
Well put! They are BOTH evil!!
If posting comments about these two and their actions keep others from getting hurt, it is worth it!
Good point. But I hope we all can move ahead and find someone that is really worth effort and caring about. These two assholes will fade in our memories, they make me laugh at how hot they both think they are. Eventually the insides of people catch up with them and it starts to show on the outside. All the photo shop, airbrushing in the world can't hide that!
Well put. Like I've said a million times before, I don't know Kelley, but I know Jared and he needs to get what's coming to him.
He put me through kind of alot in a short time. Now, because of him, I have MAJOR issues trusting anyone. He's a pig and I hate him.
Someone said that they saw Jared at at bar and he looked like crap. So maybe everything is catching up to him. Maybe this will make him start drinking again. He was so mad at me when he knew I was blogging about him. That was when he texted me saying that he's married with 2 kids, a family in Moscow...on and on. At the end of his text, he said, "Go write that shit on a blog now little girl." What a jerk.
They can't be doing well around here anyway, Moscow might be a good choice for him! I almost went and had a facial from her a long time ago before I knew what she was really like. She has an area in some else's day spa. But when I saw that she had a certificate in eye lash tinting listed as a medical degree I decided to pass.
Sounds like just another deceptive attempt to try and pass herself off as someone more than she actually is!
Wow, she must be really dumb. Tinting eye lashes doesn't require a medical degree. I think if you go to hair school, you can do it, or estetition (don't know how it's spelled) school. Medical school? No. That takes 4 yrs of college, 4years of med school a year of internship and a year of residency.
Apparently, she's not that smart. If she were a doctor, she wouldn't be such a gold digger. At least that's what it sounds like she is. And Jared needs to go away too. Maybe he can go live with his other family in Moscow, or his stripper in NY or his cocktail waitress in Vegas, or the teacher in Puerto Rico or the orthodontist, wherever she is, I forget what he wrote exactly but it was somewhere along those lines.
Just thinking about it makes me want to punch him in the face.
Jared the "COWARD" changed his cell phone number....HA HA!!!
Is this Kelley, checking up on Jared again?!
sounds like it
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